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Man and Climate
Climate Change
The first chapter of this DVD deals with the population development over the past 3000 years and the associated dramatic effects on nature. The massive deforestation and the fast-increasing water consumption are analysed as two examples for the consumption of our resources. The dependency of the regeneration of our water supplies on climatic conditions clearly illustrates the close link between humans and the climate. But what exactly is the climate and how is it determined? This question is discussed in detail in the second chapter. A look back into the past helps us in addressing current questions. The warm High Middle Ages and the following Little Ice Age as well as plant remains, e.g. the annual rings of trees, or animal finds such as dinosaur skeletons allow us to draw conclusions regarding climatic conditions. Will we meet the same fate as the dinosaurs? In the fourth chapter, we visit the climate data processing centre at the MPI. Significant climate changes are predicted in model calculations for the next 100 years. This leads to further important questions: Do we need to act? If yes, when and on what scale? Especially with this last chapter, the pupils are encouraged to recognise their own responsibility in order to shape the future of all of us.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.
Copyright is subject to constant change to keep up with technological advances. This film enables the viewer to grasp the basic principles of this extremely intricate matter. By way of introduction, the film defines what an author is, what kinds of works there are and how long a work is protected on principle. Then the fundamental rights of an author are cited and it is shown how these are exploited in our times. In the third chapter, the respective rights are illustrated by way of practice-oriented examples of books, photos, music and films. Here, of course, an emphasis is laid on the field of education, taking into account the latest case law within the EU and Austria in particular. A further chapter highlights the problems arising with the Internet and goes into the citation law and pirate copies. All in all, in this way the viewer is made familiar with the most important basic terms and their meanings. Comprehensive worksheets and additional accompanying material invite us to deepen our knowledge of the subject.
Computer Games
This film covers the topic of computer games in a variety of ways and from many different angles. Apart from the fascina- tion of computer games for users, the historical development as well as the production of computer games are described. The established genres are introduced, the guidelines of the German BPjM are explained. In light of recent public discussions, a neutral overview of the pros and cons of playing computer games is given, and different kinds of player behaviour are outlined. In this film, the pupils will recognise many aspects of their favourite pastime that encourage an independent, constructive use of this medium and reinforce their media competency. The film and teaching material are very closely related to the real-life situation.