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Lebensweise, Verhalten, Nahrung
Jedes Kind hat schon einmal von ihm gehört, gesehen haben ihn die Wenigsten, denn er lebt meistens im Verborgenen. Dieser Film wirft ein Licht auf den Maulwurf, erklärt das Aussehen und den Körperbau, die Verbreitung und seinen Lebensraum. Er informiert darüber, wie und warum der Maulwurf seine Tunnel gräbt, was er frisst, wann er wach ist und wann er schläft, wie er sich fortpflanzt und wer seine Fressfeinde sind. Zum Abschluss stellt der Film klar, dass der Maulwurf zu Unrecht für einen Schädling gehalten wird, sondern eigentlich nützlich ist. In Verbindung mit dem umfangreichen Zusatzmaterial (Arbeitsblätter, interaktive Aufgaben) lässt sich das vorliegende Medium hervorragend im Unterricht verwenden. Die interaktiven Aufgaben, das Glossar und die Testfragen wurden mit H5P erstellt und können ohne weitere Software verwendet werden.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Computer Games
This film covers the topic of computer games in a variety of ways and from many different angles. Apart from the fascina- tion of computer games for users, the historical development as well as the production of computer games are described. The established genres are introduced, the guidelines of the German BPjM are explained. In light of recent public discussions, a neutral overview of the pros and cons of playing computer games is given, and different kinds of player behaviour are outlined. In this film, the pupils will recognise many aspects of their favourite pastime that encourage an independent, constructive use of this medium and reinforce their media competency. The film and teaching material are very closely related to the real-life situation.
Peer Mediation
Lena and Max attend the 7th form. Max is new in class. During a break, Max notices that Lena and her friend are laughing at him again. Max loses his temper! He slaps Lena in the face. That hurts and Lena runs back into the classroom with a red cheek. The growing conflict between the two has escalated. Just like Lena and Max, every day pupils all over Germany have rows with each other. At the Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium in Thuringia, pupils have been trained as mediators for years. At set hours, they are in a room made available by the school specifically for mediation purposes. The film describes the growing conflict between Max and Lena and shows a mediation using their example. In doing so, the terms “conflict” and “peer mediation” are explained in a non-technical way. The aims of peer mediation and its progress in five steps as well as the mediators’ tasks are illustrated. The art of asking questions and “mirroring”, which the mediators must know, is described and explained. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is a suitable medium to introduce peer mediation at your school, too.
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.