4667662 / 5558921
Planning, Staging, Performance
As soon as the audience has taken their seats, the conductor enters the orchestra pit. When he lifts the baton, the magic ritual of enchantment through music, play and light in an illusory world, which is to true nonetheless, begins. But what is opera, anyway? Let us dare a look behind the scenes! This film presents the institution and the artistic creation of an opera. The pupils learn about the structure of a traditional opera house. They get to know how an opera production is planned and prepared. They see how many people contribute to an opera production from the planning to the first night. What jobs and what manual skills are behind a production? How do make-up artists and costume designers work? How many rehearsals are required? All these questions and a lot more are answered by the film. And if the pupils do attend an opera performance, they will perhaps think of the many people and skills that were needed to make this evening a success. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for various uses in the classroom.
Play trailer

Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Ceramics are indispensable in our everyday lives. We eat from ceramic plates, drink from ceramic cups, use tiled ceramic bathrooms. But how is ceramic manufactured? The film reveals the secrets of this fascinating material! We get to know more about the beginnings of ceramic in the Old World of Egypt and Mesopotamia, about Greece, China and Rome. We gain interesting insights into the valuable earthenware and are also shown the exquisite further development of the "white gold". Today this versatile material is irreplaceable in industry, too. Whether in space or as an easily compatible substitute in medicine, ceramic is applied in many places.
Mobile Learning II
Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.