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Production, Use, Recycling
Plastic has been around for not longer than roughly 100 years, and the synthetic material is a brilliant invention. Its production is cheap, it can take almost any possible form, it is light-weight, versatile and, above all, inexpensive. Original soundtrack Frank Thenhausen, Production Manager, Thenhausen Spritzgusstechnik + Werkzeugbau GmbH: “We can no longer imagine a life without synthetics. We are affected by them in all areas. It starts with packaging, technical parts in car and plane manufacture. One would like to produce it more cheaply than in the past. This results in a price war because synthetics are very much in demand. The article itself is a thermo-synthetic. I can reduce its size, I can recycle it and make new synthetic parts from it, which is almost unlimitably possible.“ Chemically, plastic materials are synthetic, i.e. artificial, compounds on a carbon basis. The term “plastic” is derived from the Latin word for “malleable”. Plastics are also called synthetics because they do not occur in nature in their present form but are produced synthetically, however – as opposed to steel or glass – from organic substances. The parent substance of plastic is petroleum, a purely natural product, because petroleum does not consist of anything else than tiny sea dwellers, which, after their death, were being chemically transformed under pressure over the course of millions of years. These are resources that took millions of years to form and that are not unlimited. In refineries, the petroleum is separated into its various components, namely into small molecules, so-called monomers. The monomers can be combined in any possible way by chemical linking in so-called synthesis processes. Large chain-shaped or net-shaped molecules, the polymers or primary plastics, are formed from the multiple small molecules. The properties of primary plastics can be changed with colour particles or other chemical additives, e.g. softening or hardening agents. Depending on the method applied and on the type of monomers used, different kinds of plastic are created.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
n Germany, 12 % of all federal citizens are pursued by a stalker once in their lives. And not only celebrities are among their victims! Everyone may be confronted with such a situation.
Internet Addiction
The film consists of two parts. The first part is the 15-minute short film “In the Net”. It describes the problem of excessive Internet use in a humorous way, in particular the risk of losing touch with reality when chatting. The second part illustrates with three real persons how Internet addiction can develop and the problems encountered by those who are afflicted. The authentic statements are commented by an experienced therapist. For many pupils, the issues addressed here are related to their everyday lives. What is a “sensible” use of the Internet, where does pathological addiction start? In contrast to addiction to alcohol, nicotine or drugs, the public seems to be largely ignorant of the problem of this addiction, which is not related to any substance abuse. The film provides material for discussion in the classroom (crossdisciplinary) and can be used as a basis for the formulation of prevention strategies.