Political Systems, Economy, Environment
In unserem Arbeitsheft Politics, Economy 10-12, Vol. 1 – Political Systems, Economy, Environment finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind. Das Medium enthält interaktive Videos und 50 H5P-Aufgaben zu den Themen Politisches System der USA,
Großbritannien, Wirtschaftspolitik, Redefreiheit und Meeresverschmutzung.
Alle Aufgaben des Hefts sind in englischer Sprache. Es eignet sich daher für den englischen Landeskundeunterricht und für bilingualen Unterricht.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- USA - Find the matches
- Election System of the USA - Interactive Task
- Electoral College System in the USA - Interactive Tasks
- Democrats and Republicans - Interactive Task
- Checks and Balances - Interactive Video
- Senate and House of Representatives - Interactive graph
- Impeachment - Interactive Tasks
- Majority Representation - Interactive Video
- Election of the President - Interactive Task
- Trade Dispute between the USA and China - Interactive Video
- Planned and Market Economy - Interactive tasks
- Free Market Economy: Strengths and Limitations - Videos and interactive Tasks
- Planned Economy - Interactive Video
- WTO - Video and interactive tasks
- Tariffs - Interactive Video
- Trade balance - Interactive Video
- German and US Party System - Interactive Task
- Politics - Find the matches
- Social Market Economy - Interactive Video
- Bundestag and Bundesrat - Drag the Words
- Bundestag and Bundesrat - Video und interaktive Aufgabe
- Federal Assembly - Interactive Video
- Functions of the Federal President - Drag & Drop
- Federal Presidents - Video and Drag the words
- Duties of the Federal President - Video and interactive tasks
- Brexit - Find the matches
- Trade partners of Great Britain - Interactive task
- Metropolisation - Interactive graph with video
- London inhabitants vocabulary - Interactive video
- London transport - Interactive Video
- London economy - Interactive video
- Characteristics of the Urbanisation Process - Interactive Video
- Metropolisation - Dialog Cards
- Metropolisation - Interactive Video
- Megacities - Video and interactive tasks
- Freedom of Speech - Interactive Video
- Freedom of Speech - Interactive Tasks
- Information and expression - Interactive task
- Changed access to Public - Interactive Video
- Limits to Freedom of Speech - Interactive Video
- Press Freedom in Europe - Interactive Video
- Censorship - Interactive Video
- Countries with internet censorship - Interactive task
- Regulations of media - Interactive video
- Surveillance - Interactive Video
- Marine pollution - Image pairing
- Microplastics - Video and Interactive Tasks
- How dangerous are microplastics? - Interactive video
- Marine pollution - Drag the words
- How dangerous are microplastics? - Drag the words
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The European Parliament
The European Union is a union consisting of 27 European states. Currently its population comprises about 500 million inhabitants. 17 of these states have a common currency. Its aim is a pan-European area of freedom, security and justice. The European Parliament is elected every five years by the EU citizens and is thus the only directly elected body. The European Parliament shares its legislative function with the Council of the European Union, wherein the governments of the individual member states are represented, and the European Commission, which represents the interests of the EU as a whole. These three institutions together develop the political strategies and legislative provisions which are applied throughout the EU. The European Parliament ensures uniform pan-European regulations. Citizens profit from them for example for data protection, for mobile tariffs, for working and living in Europe and much more besides! Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Bundestag and Bundesrat
“I think politicians should by all means be responsible for the representation of interests, they should, so to speak, represent the people and make possible what the people wants in order to provide the greatest possible wealth and satisfaction in society. That should be their goal.“