4658339 / 5551759
Road Safety Education
How to Move in Traffic
Road safety education for children is a difficult task for parents, tutors and teachers. Correct behaviour in road traffic is extremely hard to learn for children. They are not aware of the dangers. But how can you raise their awareness without frightening them? How can you encourage their autonomy in road traffic without exposing the children to dangers? The give-way sign “Signo” guides the children through traffic. It describes the correct crossing of a street and shows the dangers of playing next to a street and the right behaviour for passengers in a car. The film also describes the right clothes in the dark, the safe bike and the most important traffic rules. “Signo” asks well-directed questions to actively include the children in what is happening. The accompanying material contains ideas for practical implementation, games, songs, active games and painting sheets on the subjects. Work sheets for primary school are also included. Based on this comprehensive material, the DVD is ideal for projects in kindergartens, after-school care centres and primary schools.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The weblog or blog, for short, as a medium is not much older than this century. Blogs came into being in the World Wide Web as ’messages from below’, as web pages from web creators who wanted to share their view of the world with the world. They are short notes, long texts, pictures, videos, which are posted loosely and at random intervals to the world for an undefined public.
Computer Games
This film covers the topic of computer games in a variety of ways and from many different angles. Apart from the fascina- tion of computer games for users, the historical development as well as the production of computer games are described. The established genres are introduced, the guidelines of the German BPjM are explained. In light of recent public discussions, a neutral overview of the pros and cons of playing computer games is given, and different kinds of player behaviour are outlined. In this film, the pupils will recognise many aspects of their favourite pastime that encourage an independent, constructive use of this medium and reinforce their media competency. The film and teaching material are very closely related to the real-life situation.