4673315 / 5562169
Save a Life
Anesthesiologists in action
Operations are performed under anaesthesia. There are different kinds of procedures, ranging from general anaesthesia to regional or local anaesthesia. Paula: "That was my first operation under general anaesthesia and I was quite afraid. But still, it was interesting to see how it all works." The specialist for anaesthesia – in short anaesthetist – is responsible for the narcosis. Henrike: "It is an important part of my work to permanently monitor the patient during narcosis. We do this by applying an ECG, a blood pressure cuff and a finger clip via which we measure the oxygen saturation of the blood."
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Madita is eleven and blind. She does not want to go to a special school but to a regular grammar school. She says she feels "normal" there. Jonathan is eight and has a walking disability. He likes going to the school where he lives. Here, his best friend sits next to him. Max Dimpflmeier, a teacher who is severely deaf, explains that school life is not easy. Quote Max Dimpflmeier: "You don't want to attract attention, you want to avoid saying that it is necessary for you that 70 people adjust to your situation." People on their way to inclusion.