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4671630 / 5561454


Characteristics and Hazards

The enormous size of the jaws and the frightening teeth of sharks have always attracted people's interest. Horrifying news of attacks on humans did the rest – "Jaws“: Steven Spielberg turned this best seller by Peter Benchley into a world-famous film. The story, published in 1974, is based on true events. In the 1960s, sharks were often spotted off America's coasts and the press was generous with reports often so scary that fear was fuelled. One day, as a shark stranded, it was a unique opportunity for the crowd of perplexed swimmers to observe the supposedly terrible monster at close range. Watching living sharks from special protective cages is a popular albeit expensive tourist attraction. It is an unforgettable experience to watch and photograph a shark swimming freely and gliding gracefully.

Play trailer
  • <> Languages : DE, EN, TR
  • <>Target Groups : Sek I, Sek II
  • <> Subject : Biology
  • <> Length : 24:31 min
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