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Stock Market Crash
Economic Crises 1929 & 2008
The America of the 1920s. The America where the gangsters rule the cities. The America of prohibition where production and marketing of alcoholic beverages is forbidden and criminals like Al Capone in Chicago make huge profits from the illegal sale of beer and whisky. In the 20s, the United States of America enjoys great prosperity and profits increase enormously. At the end of the First World War, America has become the undisputed leader in the financial and industrial sectors. Growth seems unstoppable and stimulates all economic sectors. Consumption rises.
Play trailer
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Seal of approval
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Air Traffic
Being able to fly has been a dream of humanity from time immemorial. But it does not even date back a century that people actually started being able to travel through the air. Since the 1960s, the number of flight passengers has been constantly increasing. Thus, the airspace is no longer dominated by birds but by man-made flying objects.
Mobile Learning II
Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.