4673664 / 5562354
The Garden throughout the Year
And Its Creatures
You surely know a few gardens, maybe you even have one yourself. Have you ever taken a closer look at it? A garden is not only a great place for playing – you can also cultivate and harvest fruits or vegetables there, and when you take a good look, you will see that it is brimming with life. When you go outside, to school or visit friends, you are bound to pass a garden somewhere. Take a close look, then you will notice that every garden is different. Even if you live in the centre of a city, you will discover colourful spots of flowers in some places. The smallest gardens are probably those on balconies. Somewhere in your vicinity, there are probably also castle grounds or a municipal park. Strictly speaking, a park is a huge garden. Garden is the term for a confined piece of land in which people cultivate plants for different purposes.
Play trailer

Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Madita is eleven and blind. She does not want to go to a special school but to a regular grammar school. She says she feels "normal" there. Jonathan is eight and has a walking disability. He likes going to the school where he lives. Here, his best friend sits next to him. Max Dimpflmeier, a teacher who is severely deaf, explains that school life is not easy. Quote Max Dimpflmeier: "You don't want to attract attention, you want to avoid saying that it is necessary for you that 70 people adjust to your situation." People on their way to inclusion.