Biology, Health
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Dangerous Pests

Already the dinosaurs, which populated the Earth some 90 million years ago, were familiar with the tiny, dangerous pests, and the Greek poet Homer attributed healing and potency-enhancing effects to them in the late 8th century BC – however, only in pulverised form. The animals described are those clingy, blood-sucking mini-vampires – the ticks. In fact, they are parasites dangerous to us humans; not because of the amount of blood they extract but due to the diseases they can transmit in doing so. This film invites you to visit the family of the small parasites of the phylum Athropoda belonging to the class of Arachnida.

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Daumen Auszeichnung
  • <> Languages : DE, EN, TR
  • <>Target Groups : Sek I, Sek II
  • <> Subject : Biology, Health
  • <> Length : 27:03 min
  • View in learning platform
Daumen Auszeichnung