Verantwortungsvoller Konsum
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind. Das Medium enthält interaktive Videos und 10 H5P-Aufgaben zum Thema Verantwortungsvoller Konsum.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- I Wie viel ist zu viel? - Interaktives Video
- II Wie funktioniert Werbung? - Interaktives Video
- III Die Wiederverwertung - Interaktives Video
- IV Der Einkaufs-Fuchs
- V Mülltrennung in Deutschland
- VI Wiederverwendung und Wiederverwertung
- VII Was weißt du über verantwortungsvollen Konsum?
- VIII Wo kann man überall Werbung finden?
- IX Müll sortieren
- X Finde die Begriffe (Mülltrennung)
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The word bean refers to both the seeds and the pods surrounding them and often even the whole bean plant. It is not easy to get an overview of the different types of bean plants. Their variety is due to, among other things, their different origins.
Structure of the Forest
Forests are more than an accumulation of trees. The individual tree is more than a valuable source of wood. From its roots to its crown, it offers habitats to a variety of the most different creatures. The older a tree, the more valuable it becomes to many forest inhabitants. And even in death it is still full of life. If you take a closer look at a forest, you notice that the plants grow to different heights. They form storeys like those of a house. At the top level there are only the big trees. From a bird’s perspective we see that the highest specimens in the forest form a closed canopy. In summer, the treetops resemble big parasols shading the forest floor. Depending upon how much sunlight filters into the depths, this has consequences for the forest vegetation.