4673668 / 5562358
What Is Jazz?
History and Music Genres
Lucia Martinez: “Jazz is spontaneity, technique and listening.” Lorenzo Panico: “Sax, live instruments and great people!” Bill Evans: “Innovation, creativity, future.” Boy: “Beautiful music, and above all, music that is pretty much based on improvisation ...” Teacher: “Spontaneously I must say Nazis – I’m sorry – because it was forbidden back then, Afro-Americans … and mathematics teachers.” Helmut Bruger: “Jazz is music, a language ... and fun!” Man: “... the attempt to play music out of the moment. This encompasses improvisation, and also reacting to the audience, to the atmosphere. Technically, you should mainly play without notes. Of course, all musicians have their schemes in their heads or maybe even before their eyes but on principle, it is making music on the spur of the moment. Also, to some extent, for me the jazz language is also part of jazz, of course. This goes somewhat into a theoretical direction. This means certain chords play a part and I think that swing, for example, has a strong influence on jazz. And swing is articulated and played in a different way than, for instance classical music.”
Play trailer
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Madita is eleven and blind. She does not want to go to a special school but to a regular grammar school. She says she feels "normal" there. Jonathan is eight and has a walking disability. He likes going to the school where he lives. Here, his best friend sits next to him. Max Dimpflmeier, a teacher who is severely deaf, explains that school life is not easy. Quote Max Dimpflmeier: "You don't want to attract attention, you want to avoid saying that it is necessary for you that 70 people adjust to your situation." People on their way to inclusion.
The Daily Newspaper
Every day, there is a surge of news reaching us via different news channels. In spite of TV and Internet, the daily paper still is one of the most important main sources of news. But how is a newspaper created? The film shows the production of a paper in the course of one day. Starting with the editorial meeting in the morning, in which the topics and deadlines are determined, the film accompanies a journalist during her research work. You can see how a journalistic interview is conducted and what the photographer must consider when taking a press photo. Back in the editorial office, the editor’s work is illustrated, which includes the page layout and the writing of an online article in today’s time. Impressive pictures from the printing centre depict the process from the digital page to the finished newspaper. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is perfectly suited for use at school