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Everyone of us has a home. We primarily associate home with our families, which give us a sense of comfort and security. We have our home town where we were born, but what exactly is home? According to the encyclopaedia, home means all the conditions under which someone grows up. This DVD introduces all aspects of the topic of “home” – in a way easily understandable for children. Folk songs as well as films and novels with a regional background are examined closely. The relation between home and identity is explained. Home can take many forms due to different nationalities with their different languages, customs and traditions. However, despite all our cultural differences and ways of life, when seen from a distance, we all share the same home – our planet earth!
Learn moreGrain
The DVD offers spectacular insights into rural forms of work of former times and of today and into the work of a baker, so that pupils can easily comprehend individual work steps, too. In addition, the children gather information on the characteristics and use of the most important types of grains: rye, wheat, barley, oats and maize. The content of the DVD is excellently suited, on the one hand, to show the children that flour is an essential ingredient of baked goods and, on the other hand, to seize upon the pupils' various experiences with the staple bread. The DVD breaks down the topic "Grain" into the following main areas: baking bread, from corn to flour, types of grain and history of grain. The DVD is divided into four didactic units that can be dealt with separately via its menu structure. Moreover, the menu offers additional pictorial and diagram material. With the varied worksheets, test tasks and colour foils, the learning content of the DVD can be consolidated and the topic "Grain" enlarged upon during lessons.
Learn moreThe Potato
The potato is one of the most important food staples of the world. Together with rice, maize, wheat, barley, soy and sugar cane it is one of the seven most important foods on earth. Originally it came from the Andes in South America. The Spaniards brought it to Europe and then to all other continents. It is cultivated in 130 countries on earth. Cultivation has already resulted in many different varieties. Some are waxy, others turn floury when cooked and are especially suited for soups or mash. In Germany, more than a hundred varieties with different qualities and flavours are on the market. Very specific varieties for any purpose are being cultivated. It takes about ten years to develop a new variety and to have it licensed for cultivation. The potato is the most frequent cultivated crop plant and also our staple food. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreKathetensatz des Euklid
Das Quadrat einer Kathete ist genauso groß wie das Produkt der Hypotenuse mit dem zugehörigen Hypotenusenabschnitt.
Learn moreLaws of Nature
Die Physik hilft uns zum Beispiel zu verstehen, warum Dinge fallen, wie sie fallen, wie Kräfte wirken und was sie bewirken. Warum manche Dinge schweben und andere nicht und wie wir mit diesem Wissen das Leben viel einfacher machen können.
Learn moreSkateboarden
Mittlerweile sind Skater fester Bestandteil eines jeden Stadtbilds und es gibt wohl kaum ein Fleckchen Erde, wo es nicht wenigstens ein paar eingefleischte Szeneangehörige gibt. Trotz dieser globalen Dimensionen und der enormen jugendkulturellen Prägungskraft findet Skateboarding bisher nur äußerst selten seinen Weg in den Sportunterricht - und das, obwohl Skateboarding Schülerinnen und Schülern das Lernen in vielen Kompetenzbereichen des Faches Sport ermöglicht und nun sogar olympisch wird!
Learn moreInformatics interdisciplinary
The video game Minecraft is one of today’s most popular games. At the same time, it is one of the few video games that are used in lessons worldwide. Minecraft was first published for PCs in 2009 and is meanwhile also available on smartphones, tablets and various game consoles. With over 120 million licences sold, Minecraft is one of the most successful video games in the world. Due to the various editions and game modes, Minecraft can be played alone or with partners. The multiplayer mode is not limited to PCs networked by cable, but is meanwhile alsoavailable on a cross-platform basis via WLAN on various terminal devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Learn moreSlawen
Die Slawen existieren nicht als ein Volk, sondern bezeichnen eine Vielzahl von Sippen, die sich über eine gemeinsame Sprachfamilie, bzw. Stammesnamen definieren. Beginnend mit dem 3. Jahrhundert begann im Rahmen der Völkerwanderungen die Verbreitung der Slawen in Europa.
Learn moreFranzösische Revolution
Der 14. Juli 1789 markiert mit dem Sturm auf die Bastille in Paris eine Zäsur in der europäischen Geschichte – die französische Revolution hat begonnen.
Learn moreStone Age
About 2,606,000 years ago, that is 52,120 generations before us, the first and at the same time longest period of human history began - the Stone Age. The film provides an overview of life during the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. We get to know the various decades and the typical human ways of life resulting from them. The development from nomads, who were hunters and gatherers, up to sedentary humans who lived in small village communities is vividly described. We learn that already the early Stone Age people possessed an understanding of art, buried their dead, and see the significant advancement of their weapons and tools. Terrific diagrams convey an idea of the appearance of Stone Age animals and allow us to delve into the world of our ancestors.
Learn moreDictatorships in the 20th Century VII
Nicolae Ceausescu ruled Romania for twenty-four long years and was a dictator.
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