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From Stone to Glass
In terms understandable to children, this DVD illustrates how glass, a widely used material, is made. The film shows, step by step, the development from rock to quartz sand, which, mixed with further ingredients, forms an important component in the making of glass. In order to give the children an exact idea of glass production, a glassblower is watched at his job. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations, such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience the often used material glass with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a basis suitable for child-oriented projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children’s everyday lives.
Learn moreConstruction Sites
At a road construction site mostly the old road is removed with a big road miller. Sometimes a digger helps and carries the large parts away. They are loaded onto a truck. With the tar machine the road is newly tarred. Tar is a mixture of gravel, sand and crude oil. Here the tar is still very hot. When it cools down, it becomes very hard and the cars can drive on it. A new motorway or country road is created.
Learn morePicture Analysis
Picture analysis is a reliable method of revealing the secrets of works of art. Let us take for example the portrait of a child. There would have been innumerable ways of depicting the child but the painter painted it specifically the way he did and not otherwise. Why? What did he want to express? And what painter’s tricks did he use in doing so? It is worthwhile examining the picture in detail to unravel the message of this work, after all, the painter invested a lot of time and effort in it. Those who occupy themselves intensively with a work of art do not only learn more about the artists’ technical subtleties. In the process, they also go on a journey back through time, to forgotten customs and habits. It is a dive into the everyday lives of our forebears, their wishes and dreams.
Learn moreSeals
Seals belong to the group of water-living mammals. Unlike whales and manatees, which have completely switched to aquatic life, seals lead a life both in the water and on land. This makes these animals special.
Learn morePubertät
Die Zeit zwischen Mädchen und Frau, zwischen Junge und Mann ist aufregend und extrem. Mal geht es auf, dann wieder ab. Es ist eine Zeit der Gegensätze und Launen, Irrungen und Wirrungen. Man nennt sie: Pubertät. Biologisch zeichnet sich die Pubertät durch die Veränderung der primären und sekundären Geschlechtsmerkmale aus. Der Reifeprozess verläuft bei Mädchen und Jungen unterschiedlich. Wenn Kinder in die Pubertät kommen, entsteht im Gehirn eine neue Ordnung. Früher dachte man, dass das Gehirn im Alter von sechs Jahren ausgebildet sei. Heute weiß man, dass das Gehirn während der Pubertät noch einmal ganz neu umstrukturiert wird. Die Meinung der Erwachsenen wird plötzlich nur noch sehr ungern akzeptiert. Dafür suchen Jugendliche nun verstärkt Rückhalt bei Gleichaltrigen. Unser Unterrichtsfilm zeigt die Erfahrungen von Mädchen und Jungen sowie Eltern auf.
Learn moreSnails and Their Habitats
They are slow, really slow ... they are soft, they are slimy ...and greedy.
Learn moreSalz
Ein vermeintlich gewöhnliches und billiges, weißes Gewürz gilt im Altertum als Göttergabe, in unserer Zeit kann man es kiloweise im Supermarkt kaufen. Die Rede ist von Salz, der chemischen Verbindung aus Natrium und Chlorid.
Learn moreAir and Respiration
The subject of air and respiration offers a variety of starting points for an interdisciplinary approach. This DVD contains essential aspects for teaching pupils in the first years of secondary school. The chemical and physical characteristics of air form the basis for understanding many everyday phenomena, ranging from the development of wind and air pressure to high pressure and low pressure areas in the atmosphere. Last but not least, the foundations for a closer examination of respira- tion are laid. The fundamental phenomenon of respiration is shown from a functional point of view with the help of impressive ani- mations. Different respiratory organs are compared to each other and the basic principle of respiration is explained. The respiratory movements, the path of respiratory air and gas exchange are main points in the “Respiration with Humans” chapter. As a special feature, in its ROM part this DVD offers material for a learning circle dedicated to this subject. Here, many aspects are treated again in a way that pupils can find out facts by themselves with the help of suitable experiments and tasks.
Learn moreEndangered Rainforest
The small proportion of about 7% of the entire surface of the earth covered by rainforest is of global significance from various perspectives. The survival of tropical rainforests has been on the agenda of all conservationist organisations for decades. But in spite of all their endeavours and the many political promises made, more hectares of rainforest are destroyed every day than ever before.
Learn moreParasites
Parasites are not a small group of organisms, as many believe. Parasitism is a specific mode of life in which one creature, a parasite, lives on another creature and feeds on it. Apart from well-known parasites such as ticks or bed bugs, also animals like the cuckoo or the ichneumon fly and plants, for example the mistletoe, live parasitically. With a lot of animations, recordings and microscope images the film illustrates how this ectoparasitic way of life evolves, to what extent the parasites deprive their hosts and what other living organisms engage in parasitism, too. Humans easily become hosts to parasites and the latter can transmit serious diseases. The malaria cycle and the danger of ESME are described and preventive measures that can be taken are shown.
Learn moreDie zwölf Apostel
Die zwölf Apostel kündeten von Jesu Leben, seinem Sterben am Kreuz und seiner Auferstehung.
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