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What Is the Blues?

„Well, the Blues is what you go through when you wake up in the morning, and when you go to sleep, and you know, the Blues follows you, wherever you go. The Blues ist the truth to me, you know, the Blues is a healer, and whatever you‘re going through, you know, with the Blues, you know, it can satisfy your soul in other words, it can heal you if you’re going through changes, you know, and these days all of us go through changes: children, the young generation, grown-ups, you know, everybody. I think in my opinion, from my experience, have and get the Blues these days.“

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The Circus

The circus is a favourite topic for project work at kindergarten. Focal point is, of course, the children‘s spontaneous, allround experience of the circus. But it is not always feasible for educators to visit a circus to take a look at everyday life there. In clear terms, the DVD presents the life of the circus family Aros. It explains in a way suitable for children that circus life comprehends far more than the funny world presented to the spectators. The glance behind the scenes reveals that circus life means a lot of hard work. We witness an ordinary day in the life of the circus children Justine and Leon, who hardly have time to watch TV or play games. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, recipes, some ideas on how to stage a circus performance, games, make-up tips, etc., for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the pupils have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten for the children to experience the gaily-coloured circus life with all their senses.

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In its heyday, ancient Rome was the most imposing city of the known world and centre of one of the largest empires of all times but most of the more than one million residents viewed the metropolis as a foul juggernaut.

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Algen gehören zu den ältesten Lebensformen auf der Erde. Sie sind die älteste Lebensform, die Photosynthese betreibt und schufen damit eine Erdatmosphäre, in der sich das Leben entwickeln konnte.

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Mikroskopieren lernen

Das Mikroskop öffnet den Blick in die riesige Welt des Allerkleinsten.

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When we talk about muscles, we mostly think of those we can see. These are the arm, chest, abdominal and leg muscles.

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Slow Worm

The slow worm is a small, completely harmless lizard, which – contrary to its German name “Blindschleiche”– is perfectly able to see and is often mistaken for a snake because it has no legs and an elongated body. The German name is presumably derived from the Old High German word “Plintslicho”, which means “blinding sneaker”. This probably refers to the pretty, shining skin surface of the slow worm.

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Metabolic Disorder Diabetes

Big break in the school yard of the Freiherr vom Stein school. The pupils are talking or playing. Amidst them is Felix, twelve years old. He is always with them. Now it is necessary for him to measure his blood sugar because he has diabetes. The blood sugar level is permanently elevated in this disease.

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Die 5 Sinne

Wie selbstverständlich sehen, hören, riechen, schmecken und fühlen wir. Jeder benutzt täglich seine fünf Sinne, ohne sie bewusst einzusetzen. "Schau dich schlau!" untersucht in dieser Sendung, warum sie für uns überlebenswichtig sind und wie sie funktionieren.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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MedienLB - Fly flap

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Bees, Bumblebees and Wasps

Our smallest domestic animals, the honey bees, belong to the insect order of hymenoptera just like bumblebees, wasps and ants. Many of these insects live in huge colonies with division of labour and a caste system. However, there also are less conspicuous small hymenoptera like, for instance, the mason- bee, which on its own builds complex nests for its offspring and supplies it with food. We haven’t even noticed that it has followed us into our human settlements and we don’t consider that we are taking away the habitats from these small interesting insects. This film pays attention to all these important plant pollinators, allows insights into the work of bees and wasps and shows how we can observe and protect them.

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Hormones influence our lives. Just like our nervous system, they transmit information in our bodies. When our hormonal balance is disrupted, our behaviour changes and we may fall ill. But what are hormones? Why have they got such a big influence? Where are they produced? And how do they work? The film leads us inside the human body – into the world of hormones. We learn that there are various hormones, where these are produced and how they work. We get acquainted with people whose lives have been influenced by a hormone deficiency or a hormone excess.

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Ecosystem Bog

Bogs are rough, sparse and inaccessible regions, neither water nor land. This applies in particular to raised bogs. One wrong step in this soaking wilderness might be fatal. How a bog is formed was unknown to people for thousands of years. After the last ice age, that is about 10,000 years ago, bog formation began. Enormous amounts of water were released as a consequence of the melting of the ice shields.

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