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It is slippery, soft and slimy, burrows in the moist soil and many just find it disgusting – the earthworm. Most of us know it when it comes to the surface in heavy rain and ends in puddles or, possibly, as fish bait; but earthworms are true natural wonders and extremely useful. Only a very small percentage of all animals are vertebrates. These animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, all have a vertebral column. Over 90% of our fauna are invertebrate animals.

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Mammals I

When we talk about animals in everyday conversation, we mostly talk about mammals. Mammals live in water, on land and in the air. Countless species of the most diverse sizes and appearances populate our earth. A clear classification is not always possible because of their adaptation to their different habitats.

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The Beaver

Natural river and lake areas are becoming increasingly rare. With expensive measures to restore them to their natural state, efforts are being made to recreate them. Here, an animal may be helpful: the beaver. After it was exterminated in Germany in the 19th century, today about 15 000 specimens live here again thanks to the reintroduction of the beaver during the 1960s. Many people, however, have never caught sight of this shy nocturnal rodent, yet. The DVD first describes the beaver (in particular its adaptation to life in water) and zoologically classifies it. Then the beaver family and their social behaviour and habitat are introduced. The beaver constructions (beaver dam and beaver lodge) are illustrated as well as its territory and its purely vegetarian diet. Subsequently, both its extermination and its reintroduction as well as present-day problems are looked into. But primarily the film shows the beaver to be a valuable, natural architect of landscapes.

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The exact numbers of plant and animal species on earth are unknown. What we do know, though, is that there is a dramatic decline in the variety of species mainly triggered by man. The "threats to biodiversity" as well as their causes are the topics of this film. It illustrates the reckless exploitation of the resources of the earth on land and in the oceans.

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When we open the tap, it gushes out: drinking water – clear and clean. It is our most important victual and can be replaced by NOTHING. On average every inhabitant of Germany consumes 125 litres every day! But where does our drinking water come from?

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First Communion

At Annabelle’s home. She is nine years old and attends the third class. At this age, most children wish to celebrate their First Communion. Together with her mother Alice, Annabelle is preparing the bread dough today because they will discuss an important topic in communion class – the last supper that Jesus celebrated with his disciples. Alice is in charge of the group lesson. This means she prepares her daughter and five other children for First Communion.

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A girl paints her idea of heaven. Angels welcome the dead people to paradise. There, near to Jesus, you can live and play. You also meet deceased relatives again.

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Harz und Schwarzwald gehören zu den Mittelgebirgen. Sie prägen die deutsche Landschaft, der Schwarzwald im Südwesten, der Harz im Norden und Osten.

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Der Film stellt Bremen, das kleinste deutsche Bundesland, vor.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Amazon Basin

Because of its overwhelming biodiversity, the Amazon Basin is rightly referred to as the crown jewel of nature on earth.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, landscapes (Little and Great Hungarian Plains, Puszta), watercourses (Rába, Danube, Lake Neusiedl, Lake Balaton), mountains (Bakony Forest, Mecsek, Matra, Bükk), the climate, history (overview up to today’s system of government, national rebellion of 1956, change of system in 1987), traffic, transportation and infrastructure, economic structure, agriculture (winegrowing, fishing, cattle-breeding), industry, mining and energy supply, Audi Hungaria factory, tourism, major cities and sights (Feste- tics Palace, Sümeg Castle, baroque castle of Esterház in Fer- töd, Benedictine archabbey of Pannonhalma, Szeged, Pecs, Debrecen, Eger), capital of Budapest, traditions, religion, food and drink, language, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, historical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its people.

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In the far north, at the border to Denmark, is the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Baltic Sea coast and the hilly country to the east, the geest in the centre, the North Frisian Islands, the Wadden Sea with the North Sea coast determine the natural environment.

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