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Aluminium II
The metal aluminium is growing in importance because of its specific properties and manifold application possibilities. This DVD deals with the industrial production of aluminium as a raw material, its processing and the manufacturing of alloys for the finished product. Starting with the raw material aluminium oxide the functioning of an electrolytic cell is demonstrated and explained. Alumina, white and powdery, is melted with great expenditure of energy, and by means of electrolysis converted into aluminium with a degree of purity of 99.9%. As aluminium oxide would not melt before a temperature of over 2,000°C is reached, the mineral cryolite is used as a solvent. The various alloys change the properties of aluminium and are produced according to precise formulations. The alloy is cast into blocks and bars that serve as primary material for processing plants. The responsible handling of resources underscores the importance of recycling. Aluminium is resilient and versatile.
Learn moreLied der Nibelungen
Die Nibelungensaga ist eines der wirkungsmächtigsten Werke der deutschen Literatur. Das Epos um den Schatz der Nibelungen, Macht, Liebe, Tod und Rache entstand im 12. Jahrhundert. Der unbekannte Verfasser erzählt in mittelhochdeutscher Sprache und in 39 Aventiuren die Geschichte von Siegfried, Kriemhild, Gunther, Brünhild und Hagen und dem Untergang der Burgunden. Auch gibt der Film eindrücklich Hinweis auf die Entstehung der Texte und wie diese in der damaligen Zeit niedergeschrieben wurden. Er verweist auf die Existenz der unterschiedlichen Abschriften der Saga und wo sie heute zu finden sind. Auch nimmt er die Schüler:innen mit auf die Reise entlang der Schauplätze an der Donau.
Learn moreAuf dem Weg zum Metaverse
Mitten in einer Schulstunde den Mount Everest besteigen, oder eine Raumfahrt unternehmen? Das Metaverse, das Web 3.0, macht es möglich.
Learn moreLearning How to Write Properly
Learning to write is at the beginning of the pupils' school career.
Learn moreADHS
Die ADHS, die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung gehört zur Gruppe der Störungen von Verhalten und Emotionen. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass in jeder Klasse zwei bis drei Betroffene sitzen.
Learn moreÜbergewicht
Becky Pfleger erzählt: „Das Schlimmste, was ich je erlebt habe? ... Ich wurde in der Bahn von einem Opa angeschrien: ‘Euch Dicke hätte man vergasen sollen wie die Juden damals!‘ “
Learn moreMagersucht
Hungern um jeden Preis – nach Schätzungen der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung leiden mehr als 100.000 Menschen in Deutschland an Magersucht. Besonders erschreckend dabei ist: Die Patienten werden immer jünger.
Learn moreArmut
Jenke von Wilmsdorff stellt sich die Frage, wie es ist, arm zu sein. Für dieses Experiment lebt er eine Woche bei einer Familie, die ausschließlich von Hartz IV lebt. In Deutschland leben rund 4,4 Millionen Menschen von Hartz IV. Für Jenke von Wilmsdorff war das bisher nur eine Zahl.
Learn moreAir Traffic
Being able to fly has been a dream of humanity from time immemorial. But it does not even date back a century that people actually started being able to travel through the air. Since the 1960s, the number of flight passengers has been constantly increasing. Thus, the airspace is no longer dominated by birds but by man-made flying objects.
Learn moreHuman Dignity
This is Albertine. She is seven years old. Three years ago, she lost her mother and has lived with her grandmother ever since, her father has left them. Every noon she comes to have lunch in the ward. The girl seems to feel her strength ebbing away and has decided not to talk anymore. The children at this stage believe that the grown-ups can prevent death but see that they're not doing so. Thus, they seal themselves off and retreat into their own world. And when this happens, Sister Marie Stella and her team prepare the children for death, just as they do with the grown-ups. Albertine was allowed to chose a dress from the dressmakers for the Christmas celebration.
Learn moreMusical Instruments III
Who does not know them - the Orff Instruments? Already at the age of a toddler, you come in contact with them. Rattles and other noisy toys are to be found in almost every nursery and also the glockenspiel is an instrument found frequently there. But where do these Orff instruments come from? And what has given them their names? Carl Orff, the Munich-born musical teacher and composer, greatly influenced the national and international music world with his works. The Orff instruments were named after him and music pedagogy is no longer imaginable without them. But who was Carl Orff? The first part of the film shows Carl Orff's life from childhood until death. Subsequently, Carl Orff's works are covered, with a focus on "Carmina Burana“. The last part provides us with a detailed overview of the Orff instruments. The qualities of the instruments and their sounds are shown as well as the ways they are played. Together with the comprehensive and innovative accompanying material, the film is highly suitable for classroom use.
Learn moreWire
At first glance, wire seems to be a nondescript, rather boring material, too humdrum to be bothered with. The intensive occupation with wire in the film as well as in the accompanying material, however, makes obvious what significance wire actually has in our society. It is truly indispensable! Through the film, children get acquainted with the differences between modern and historic wire manufacturing. Moreover, they see how a bicycle is made and thus learn why bicycles are also called "wire donkeys".
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