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Bilder laufen

Das Prinzip der Camera Obscura war bereits Aristoteles bekannt. Heute gilt sie als Vorläufer der modernen Fotografie.

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Wind Energy

Our future lies in renewable energies. The fossil fuels coal, oil and gas will be used up within the next 50 to 300 years and are ecologically questionable just like nuclear energy, too. The sun, however, provides more energy than we need. Besides water power, sun light and bio mass, WIND ENERGY, most crucially, belongs to the renewable energies that have been used already for centuries. But what is wind? How was its energy generated, transformed and used in the past and how is this done today?

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Since the 11th century the population in Europe was growing. The reason for it was, among other things, an increase in agricultural production due to a good climate.

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Ancient Greece

The age of antiquity ended over a thousand years ago, and yet, it surrounds us almost every day.

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The Holocaust Memorial

The film “A German Memorial – How to Commemorate Six Million Murdered Jews” gives an insight into the two concepts of this memorial – each deeply impressive in its very own way. This thirty-minute documentary takes the viewer on a virtual tour of the Field of Stelae and the Information Centre. You will be immersed in the intensive atmosphere of the rooms, experience the visitors’ reactions and receive background information on the development and conceptual design of the memorial from the initiator Lea Rosh, the historians involved and the exhibition designer Dagmar von Wilcken. For the sound recording of the film, an unusual concept was implemented: there is no off-camera commentary, instead original sounds and interviews form the acoustic “backbone” of the documentation. The visitors’ voices reflect the different opinions on and impressions of the memorial, the historians talk about the contents of the exhibition and describe their experiences. These direct comments create a feeling of closeness. They convey the emotions the memorial stirs up in all those who take a closer look at it.

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Dictatorships in the 20th Century V

Benito Mussolini is born in1883 in the Romagna, a region of farmers and labourers, and grows up in an Italy where the economic crisis determines people’s lives. This leads to mass emigrations in the south and also in the better developed areas of the north, the situation escalates. In 1911 unemployment reaches a record high throughout the entire country.

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In our modern lives, we are dependent on a regular supply of energy.

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C, CO2 and Associates in Everyday Life

All organic matter contains carbon. Coal is deposited in the Earth's interior. It developed about 300 million years ago from plants in a geological period which is also called Carboniferous. During the combustion of organic matter, carbon turns into the gas carbon dioxide. Dissolved in water, it becomes the so-called carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is an incombustible, colourless and odourless gas that is easily dissolved in water. With various metal oxides or hydroxides it forms two types of salts: the carbonates and the hydrogen carbonates. As calcium carbonate it is contained in natural products such as chalk and egg shells. Specific forms of carbon, called modifications, are graphite and also the particularly valuable diamond.

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Unterwegs sein, auf Reisen sein ist eine Urerfahrung des Menschen. Ob auf einem Feldzug, einer Bildungsreise oder einer Erholungsreise – die Urerfahrung des Reisens findet ihren Niederschlag in der Literatur.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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MedienLB - Fly flap

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Internetsicherheit 2

Das gemeinsam mit entwickelte Medium widmet sich der sicheren Benutzung digitaler Geräte. Die zweite von insgesamt 5 DVDs beschäftigt sich mit dem Faktor Mensch. Sorgloser Umgang mit den eigenen Passwörtern ist immer noch der Hauptgrund für erfolgreiche Hackerangriffe.

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Values and Norms in Germany

O-Ton M. Ozbak (Afghanistan): „Both with regard to household chores and with tasks in public, women and men are equal.“

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Drogen und Computerspiele

Drogen machen sehr schnell abhängig und ziehen in einen Kreislauf aus Konsum, Verlust der sozialen Kontakte und sozialem Abstieg.

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