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In Deutschland gibt es 294 Landkreise. Doch wie sind diese in Deutschland verwaltet und strukturiert?  Der Film zeigt anschaulich an einem Beispiellandkreis die Vorteile und Aufgaben von Gemeindeverbänden in dieser Form der Verwaltungseinheit.

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Internationaler Terrorismus

„Wo warst du am 11. September 2001?“ Eine Frage, wie sie die meisten Erwachsenen von uns ohne Zögern beantworten könnten, die jedoch auf die jüngere Generation aus naheliegenden Gründen eher befremdlich wirkt. Und dennoch sind gerade sie in einer Welt groß geworden, die maßgeblich von den schrecklichen Ereignissen an jenem Tag beeinflusst worden ist. Und uns durch den Anschlag auf „Charlie Hebdo“ wieder nachdrücklich in Erinnerung gebracht wurden.

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Raben und Krähen

Corvus, die Gattung der Raben und Krähen sind nahezu weltweit verbreitet. Der Film stellt den Körperbau, die Lebensgewohnheiten und den Lebensraum ausführlich vor.

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Ein Aquarium ist das Modell einer Unterwasserlandschaft – es gibt sie mit Meer- und mit Süßwasser gefüllt.

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The best waste is the one that never arises in the first place or that can be avoided.

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Die Beherrschung des Feuers ist die Grundlage der menschlichen Entwicklung.

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When we hear the word “textiles“, we automatically think of things we put on – such as shirts, trousers, pullovers, caps or other things to wear. But there are far more textiles in our everyday lives. Actually, the word textiles means that these are generally things or goods made of single fibres or threads or yarns. For a long time now, we have not been using textiles for clothing only, but also in many other different domains of our lives. Every day, we use various household textiles at home – they range from the fabric sofa to the towel we dry ourselves with after washing or bathing. But today, modern textiles are also used as construction material – for example to make cars or bikes. These vehicles are particularly energy efficient because textiles are significantly lighter than metal.

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The Forest

As a part of the natural landscape in which our children grow up, the forest with its flora and fauna is an important subject in primary school teaching. The focus of the systematic discussion of this versatile habitat is, of course, the children’s spontaneous, all-round experience of the forest. However, in particular with the animals and birds of the forest, it is not always easy to enable the children to have a real-life encounter. This DVD is aimed at helping the children to get familiar with the forest habitat in the course of a year. The film addresses the following topics: Early bloomers, courtship and breeding behaviour of selected forest birds, ground dwellers, the badger family, the fat dormouse family, forest fruits and the forest in winter. The DVD is excellently suited either as an introduction to the topic of forest or as a tool offered to the children for individual tasks or project work.

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A wie Affe, B wie Bär

Wir, Tiere der Welt, manche groß, manche klein, laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ein.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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When we hear the word “penguin“, we immediately think of animals living in the cold and ice world of Antarctica near the South Pole. However, this is not the whole truth. All of the various species of penguins do indeed live in the Southern Hemisphere but their habitats are not limited to the Antarctic region.

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Bruchrechnen II

Die DVD beschäftigt sich mit:

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of the field of optics with an emphasis on the following main topics: All three models, i.e. the ray theory, the wave theory and the quantum theory of light, are explained by means of selected phenomena. The pupils learn about the conditions, the principles and appearances regarding reflection and refraction and are encouraged to perform easy experiments themselves. Optics are introduced to the pupils with the help of examples from nature, road traffic and the environment. Simple optical instruments such as a magnifying glass, a camera, a microscope, an astronomic telescope and the eye are described. Further, the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a line spectrum, a solar cell and a radiometer are explained in selected sections. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.

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