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Endangered Rainforest

The small proportion of about 7% of the entire surface of the earth covered by rainforest is of global significance from various perspectives. The survival of tropical rainforests has been on the agenda of all conservationist organisations for decades. But in spite of all their endeavours and the many political promises made, more hectares of rainforest are destroyed every day than ever before.

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Parasites are not a small group of organisms, as many believe. Parasitism is a specific mode of life in which one creature, a parasite, lives on another creature and feeds on it. Apart from well-known parasites such as ticks or bed bugs, also animals like the cuckoo or the ichneumon fly and plants, for example the mistletoe, live parasitically. With a lot of animations, recordings and microscope images the film illustrates how this ectoparasitic way of life evolves, to what extent the parasites deprive their hosts and what other living organisms engage in parasitism, too. Humans easily become hosts to parasites and the latter can transmit serious diseases. The malaria cycle and the danger of ESME are described and preventive measures that can be taken are shown.

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Die zwölf Apostel

Die zwölf Apostel kündeten von Jesu Leben, seinem Sterben am Kreuz und seiner Auferstehung.

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The prayer, a fundamental religious act, which may be formulated in the form of a request, a thanksgiving or as a dialogue. Whether in Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or Judaism – in all five world religions, the prayer is a communion with their God or a Higher Power. Thanking God, asking him for something, recapitulating the day, finding peace – all that can be contained in a prayer. We pray because we are looking for answers, consolation and strength and because in times of stress we seek peace and reflection. Some people also pray out of tradition or out of a sense of duty to their God. Some may also wish to have their prayers answered. There are studies investigating whether what we ask for in prayer actually comes true. The results, however, are not unequivocal. But to the one who prays this is no reason to stop. For the benefit of prayer cannot be measured by studies. For many the happiness of praying consists less in having their requests answered than in their contact with God. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom. Target group: primary school, special needs school, secondary school

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It is a popular hot drink all over the world. The Dutch brought it from China to Europe. It is the centre of ceremonies and traditions in various countries.

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Petroleum – a resource without which our modern industrial society is hardly conceivable. It serves as a basis for the fuel of almost all means of transport, but also for generating heat and electricity.

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The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.

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Showered with superlatives, Venice is doubtlessly an out- standing city, welcoming up to 15 million tourists annually. But despite the powerful magic it radiates, the city is confronted with seemingly overwhelming problems. Hence, detractors keep talking about a dying city. Is Venice then really the At- lantis of our time? The film published here first of all provides a survey of the most important geographic data of the lagoon city and looks into the question why more than one thousand years ago people settled in this inhospitable environment. The immense wealth of the former maritime republic can still be imagined when looking at the sumptuous architecture of many of its buildings. The DVD examines the various causes responsible for the rise of Venice to the dominating merchant power of the whole Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. And why did the city lose its importance afterwards? As a special highlight of this DVD, we have included a film on Venice dating back to 1968. The two films are excellently suited for comparison, on the one hand with respect to the city‘s historic development, on the other hand in view of its respective treatment on film.

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“To be brought back down to earth” is an expression we use when someone needs to come back to reality. Just like the air to breathe, the soil is taken for granted and simply there – we do not need to think about it. However, it is an extremely complex, sensitive structure and not only the crucial production factor for farmers but their basis of their existence. Ultimately, the soil is the vital basis of life for plants and, directly or indirectly, for animals as well as us humans. Starting from the relevance of the soil, the film clarifies the diverse, mutual relations with other elements of the landscape. In this cinematic exploration, the manifold, soil-forming factors and processes such as, for instance, decomposition and humus formation are explained just like the geographical basic terms “soil profile”, “horizons” and “soil type”. Over the past 150 years approximately, a profound change has taken place in agricultural production, which was essential to provide a stable, high-quality sustenance of the growing population in the industrial states. The DVD also shows that heedless human interference into the soil ecosystem has brought about irreparable consequences.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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On 24 June 2016, a narrow majority of eligible voters in the UK voted to leave the EU, the so-called Brexit. 

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According to many scientists, the beginnings of Europe go back to antiquity, and there specifically to the freedom and democracy of the Greeks. Others consider the foundations laid as late as in the Middle Ages. But the settlement of the area we call Europe today began far earlier. The key periods of our European history are to explain how Europe became what it is today.

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Textile Production Mechanic

Setting, operating, monitoring, maintaining, servicing and repairing production machines – all these are tasks of a textile production mechanic. Only if the production equipment functions flawlessly and the work processes run smoothly and efficiently, textiles of all kinds and of the highest quality can be produced. Textile production mechanics undergo a broad vocational training. This enables them to work in all branches of the textile industry: in weaving mills, spinning mills, knitting mills, warp knitting mills or elsewhere in the textile industry. Qualifications required for this job are GCSEs or a university entrance qualification. Furthermore, soft skills such as a sense of responsibility, diligence, accuracy and reliability are expedient. The job of a textile production mechanic is a positive challenge for all those interested in engineering and manufacturing as well as in textile fabrics and patterns.

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