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The Eurasian Eagle Owl
With a body length of 60 to 75 cm and a wingspan of up to 170 cm, the Eurasian eagle owl is the largest owl in the world. It is also referred to as “king of the night skies”. After being hunted and almost exterminated by humans, the population of the Eurasian eagle owl has started rising again since the middle of the 20th century. Nevertheless, according to experts, it is not secured yet. Destroyed habitats and disturbances at the breeding sites, for instance by climbers, as well as dangers from power poles still threaten the population of the Eurasian eagle owl today.
Learn moreKräuter
Nicht nur beim Kochen werden Kräuter verwendet, auch bei gesundheitlichen Beschwerden und kleinen Schönheitsmakeln kommen die Alleskönner zum Einsatz. Aber Vorsicht ist geboten, denn nicht alle Vertreter sind ungiftig. "Schau dich schlau!" erkundet die Vielfalt der Kräuterwelt, gibt Tipps zur Verwendung und erforscht Kurioses rund ums Thema.
Learn moreFish Farming
Lakes, rivers and streams are the natural habitats of our freshwater fish. Some of them, such as carp, trout and char, are eaten as food fish. But where do the fish come from and why have our lakes and rivers not been fished dry yet? Since the Stone Age people have been catching fish for subsistence. Fish is an important source of protein. With a wide variety of methods, such as fishing rods or nets, we hunt them successfully.
Learn moreKirchen
Kirchen haben eine lange Tradition und von außen sind sie heute meistens gut erkennbar. Aber wie sehen Kirchen eigentlich von innen aus? Denn egal ob alt oder neu, groß oder klein ─ so unterschiedlich sie auch aussehen, die meisten Gegenstände findet man in jeder Kirche. Der erste Blick, wenn man eine Kirche betritt, fällt meist auf den Altar und auf das über ihm hängende Kreuz. Für die Hostien, die den Christen so wertvoll sind, gibt es in der Kirche einen ganz besonderen Platz ─ den Tabernakel. Im Tabernakel werden die geweihten Hostien nach dem Abendmahl aufbewahrt. In der Nähe des Tabernakels hängt das ewige Licht.
Learn moreSeltene Erden
Der technische Fortschritt versorgt die Menschheit zuverlässig mit innovativer Technologie. Dies hat die Nachfrage nach spezifischen Rohstoffen, etwa für Mikrochips, Rußpartikelfilter, und Dauermagneten sprunghaft steigen lassen. Metalle wie Lithium, Cer, Neodym und weitere gehören zu den sogenannten „Seltenen Erden“. Der Bedarf nach ihnen hat große geopolitische Auswirkungen, und hat zum Aufstieg Chinas, das den Großteil der Lagerstätten auf seinem Gebiet birgt, entscheidend beigetragen.
Learn moreLignite
Lignite, or brown coal, is an important energy carrier for providing Germany with electric power. In 2017 some 23 % of the country’s electricity was still obtained from lignite. German mining activities are centred in the Rhenish lignite fields to the west of Cologne. In the new eastern states, lignite is mainly extracted in the mining areas of Central Germany and Lusatia.
Learn moreSaxony-Anhalt
The federal state of Saxony-Anhalt is not only abundant with natural beauty but also boasts a diverse landscape of castles, palaces and churches, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Learn moreRhineland-Palatinate
The German Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate lies in the southwest of the Federal Republic of Germany. This DVD begins with an overview over the state with its nine natural regions: Ahr Valley, Eifel, Westerwald, Mosel-Saar, Huns- rück, the Nahe region, Palatinate with the Palatinate Forest, Middle Rhine-Lahn-Taunus and Rhenish Hesse. A detailed chapter on the eventful history of Rhineland-Palatinate makes this DVD suitable for history lessons, too. Here, the period from Roman Times up to the foundation of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate is summarised. Thanks to its central location in Western Europe, its proximity to other European countries, 14 public inland ports on the Rhine and the Moselle and an export quota of around 46%, Rhineland-Palatinate is also an attractive business location. At the same time, it is the “wine state” of the Federal Republic, with 65% of the entire German wine-growing area. The capital of Mainz is often referred to as a media city, houses the media companies ZDF and SWR and is an important employer in the country. Due to the modular, modified regional-studies approach, this DVD of- fers the possibility of using both comprehensive and specific teaching strategies and access modes.
Learn moreLithuania
This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the Baltic state of Lithuania. Topographical information on Lithuania is followed by an overview of its four regions, which are distinguished by their respective traditions, dialect and landscapes: Upper Lithuania, Lower Lithuania with the Memel Territory, the region of Sudovia and the region of Dzukija. The Lithuanian Baltic coast is the centre of tourism. Further, the DVD leaves a deep impression of the Hill of Crosses, which has been a world-famous place of pilgrimage for Catholics since it was visited by Pope John Paul II. Diverse pictures at- test to the sights of the capital of Vilnius and other cities. The DVD describes Lithuania’s protracted tug-of-war for indepen- dence and mentions the most important branches of industry as well as the country’s energy supply. The pupils also learn about the important role Lithuania plays as a transit country. Furthermore, they gain an insight into the Lithuanian way of life. This DVD shows the diversity and uniqueness of the EU member state of Lithuania and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.
Learn moreThe River Elbe
Its catchment area is almost as large as 40 % of the surface area of Germany; it is 1.094 kilometres long: the River Elbe. In impressive nature pictures the multifaceted course of the Elbe from its source in the Giant Mountains to its estuary in the North Sea is shown. The division of the Elbe into its sections is just as precisely documented as its most important tributaries. In the first part of its upper reaches it flows in a wide arc through the Czech Republic, where it is called Labe. It cuts across impressive landscapes such as the Bohemian Switzerland and after the German border the Saxon Switzerland. During its course it flows through historically and culturally important cities. Dresden, with its famous monuments and bridges, is the first metropolis. Steeped in history, the cities of Meissen, Torgau und Wittenberg follow. Now the Elbe River follows the course of the glacial valleys. From Magdeburg its course runs towards Hamburg. The various facets of the seaport metropolis are illustrated. Eventually the film accompanies the River Elbe on its last section – to the North Sea until Cuxhaven. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreFederal President
The Federal President holds the highest office in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Learn moreMigration
Migration and integration are central topics of future relevance in politics as well as in the public mind. Germany has long been a country of immigration. This can constantly be seen in everyday life: in the playground, in the underground, in the office or in the schoolyard. At school, in particular, this immigration society is being lived and experienced every day. Here, the groundwork for the future of our society is also being laid. In order to be able to explore the topic first-hand we have visited a school in Nuremberg with a large amount of pupils having a migration background. In project groups, the pupils of the 11th form of the Pirckheimer Gymnasium have already been investigating in depth the topics of migration and integration. Their assessments of the subject area were recorded and integrated into the overall context. The DVD is divided into substantial chapters on forms, causes and consequences of migration, on the history of migration in Germany, on political and legal framework conditions and on integration as a challenge and an opportunity. In the accompanying material, tasks providing further interest and insight are available that have been adapted to the content of the film.
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