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Der Fischotter: Er gilt als Meisterschwimmer und Taucher! Sein Fell besteht aus 70.000 Haaren pro Quadratzentimeter! Sein Lieblingsmahl ist Fisch!

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Ordnung spart viel Zeit. Hauswirtschaftslehrerin Petra Fuchs gibt sieben hilfreiche Tipps, wie Aufräumen schnell geht und Spaß bringen kann. Dazu kommt das Themenfeld Sicherheit im Haushalt – hier wird auf die wichtigsten Sicherheitsregeln eingegangen, damit Dir beim Schneiden mit dem Messer oder beim Verwenden der Pfanne nichts passiert. Weiteres Haushaltswissen wird aus den Bereichen Reinigen mit verschiedenen Reinigungsmitteln, optimales Waschen mit der Waschmaschine und sicheres Kochen vermittelt. Zum Schluss zeigt der Film noch ein einfaches Rezept mit genauer Anleitung zum Nachkochen.

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Even though all cranes are lifting equipment – type and appearance of a crane can be quite different.  Depending on their purpose and operating site there are various types of cranes and various crane technologies. There are crane types which are mobile and mounted on a vehicle. Other cranes, however, are permanently installed and located on a construction site, at a port or in a hall.

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Tiere im Winter

Für die Tiere ist der Winter eine harte Zeit. Auf den gefrorenen Böden finden sie wenig Grünfutter, die Kälte kostet sie viel Energie.

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The Farm

This DVD offers some insight into the life on a farm today. In a way easily understandable for primary school pupils, the film shows with simple and tranquil pictures the daily work in an agricultural business. At the same time, a number of domestic animals are introduced to the children and they learn about their characteristics and lives as well as their use for us humans.The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Cows and cattle (modern milk production in the milking plant, cow-keeping on the pasture and in the cowshed, birth and rearing of the calves); pigs (pigs as productive livestock, characteristics, preferences, reproduction); poultry (free-ranging chicken, hatching of a chick, turkeys and geese as fat stock); horses and goats on the farm (information on these domestic animals, their use); small animals on a farm (cats, dog, bees, swallows); agricultural crops (types of cereal like wheat, barley and corn, tilling of the fields, transport and storage of hay using modern farming machines).The film is divided into six menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.

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Postal Service

The postal service as an organisation for the delivery of news and retail goods through letters, postcards, parcels and packages is considered a part of the pupils‘ life experience and thus dealt with at primary school. This film is meant to illustrate this important procedural part of the children‘s lives and to make it intelligible to them. It deals with the writing, addressing, stamping and sending of a letter, with the importance of stamps, with the letter box and its emptying and the journey of a letter or a package from the sender to the addressee. Both as an introduction to the topic and as a tool in the hands of the pupils when working individually or preparing projects, the DVD and the didactically arranged accompanying material are perfectly suited for the classroom. A short excursus on the history of the stamp and a glance behind the scenes of a letter centre as well as a sorting centre, which usually cannot be visited, complete this informative DVD on the postal service.

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Marine Mammals

The oceans are the home of whales, which look like fish but, in fact, are mammals like we humans and breathe with their lungs. The film shows the peculiarities of whales, which are divided into two main groups: baleen whales and toothed whales. Baleen whales, among which there is also the blue whale, the biggest of all whales, feed on tiny crustaceans called krill. Toothed whales feed on fish, crabs and other marine animals. One of the best known representatives is the killer whale, which is the fastest marine mammal with a speed of up to 55 km/h. With their leaps they delight the audiences in sea life aquariums. Whether they should be kept like that is a highly controversial issue, however. Whales are also much coveted because of their fat, meat and oil. Having been ruthlessly killed, whales have amost been wiped out and today are subject to international protection. Whale watching boosts people’s interest in these formidable animals. Another threatened animal species lives in the warm and shallow waters of Central America: the sea cows, which feed exclusively on plants and surface for breathing every 2 to 5 minutes. With the extensive accompanying material this DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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They are many children’s favourites. And expert gymnasts in their realm. Dexterously they make their way hand over hand from branch to branch or skilfully climb the long ropes. And in many respects they are quite similar to us – the monkeys, in particular the great apes. These here live in a zoo. But – where, actually, is their true homeland? Apes such as the orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos originate from the tropical rainforests.

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Stochastik 1

Die Stochastik, zu Deutsch: die Kunst des Vermutens – auch Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung genannt – ist für die meisten Schüler und Schülerinnen ein ungemein schwieriges Kapitel der Mathematik, da die so oft in der Praxis angewendete Intuition hierbei nicht selten versagt.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Macrocosm – what is that? The film discusses this question in detail. Where does macrocosm begin? Can we imagine or even perceive its dimensions? The film illustrates in a descriptive way that macrocosm begins already on Earth, for instance in the forest..

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Bilder laufen

Das Prinzip der Camera Obscura war bereits Aristoteles bekannt. Heute gilt sie als Vorläufer der modernen Fotografie.

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Wind Energy

Our future lies in renewable energies. The fossil fuels coal, oil and gas will be used up within the next 50 to 300 years and are ecologically questionable just like nuclear energy, too. The sun, however, provides more energy than we need. Besides water power, sun light and bio mass, WIND ENERGY, most crucially, belongs to the renewable energies that have been used already for centuries. But what is wind? How was its energy generated, transformed and used in the past and how is this done today?

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