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„Das Weltall, unendliche Weiten, wir schreiben das Jahr …“ – viele von uns kennen diesen Satz aus utopischen Filmen. Im Planetarium can wir sehen, was unsere Forschung bereits weiß. Durch faszinierende, bewegte Bilder erfahren wir, was über unsere Erde, unser Sonnensystem und unser Universum bereits bekannt ist – auch, wenn es oft nur ein kleiner Teil ist. In diesem Film geht es um die Geschichte der Planetenmaschine, von den Tellurien bis zum ersten Planetarium der Welt. Wir begleiten einen Besuch im Planetarium und erklären dabei Aufbau und Technik. Dabei geben wir Einblick in eine Astroshow, sterben uns auf eine Reise ins Weltall mitnimmt.
Learn moreIntolerances
We humans are so-called “omnivores“, that means we eat everything. We are not restricted in our diet. We tolerate meat, fish and vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Everything agrees with us.
Learn moreFairy Tales
Helga Josefa Sophie loves fairy tales. When she was little, her mother read her the ancient stories. Later her children and then her grandson Janik listened spellbound when she read from the fairy tale kingdom between reality and the magical world.
Learn moreClothing
Besides food and shelter, clothing is also one of the basic needs of human beings. Suitable clothing protects against wet, cold or warm conditions, and it also protects us from injuries or burns from the sun. Clothes are also useful because they help us to be able to pursue some jobs or tasks in a better way when wearing them. And finally, the clothes we wear are a sign we set for others. Thus, it is an expression of our personality. We sometimes let clothes speak for us, so to speak. Who we are, how we feel and what group we belong to. Which items does clothing comprise? Firstly, there is underwear: underpants and undershirt. On our feet, we wear socks or stockings. When it is cold, we might wear tights. Over our underwear, we wear a shirt or T-shirt on the upper part of our body. Our legs are covered by trousers. The trousers are supported by a belt or braces.
Learn moreSugar
The “Sugar” DVD covers the sugar beet and sugar produc- tion in detail. Simple and clear pieces of information allow the children to easily understand the individual stages from sowing the seeds to processing the beets in the sugar factory. The film conveys that the sugar produced is not an industri- al but a natural product, which is merely extracted from the sugar beet in the sugar factory. The pupils are provided with detailed answers to questions like “Since when have we had sugar?”, “What is sugar used for?” and “What properties does sugar have?”.The DVD addresses the following main points of the topic of “sugar”: Sugar sweetens our daily lives (sugar as an ingredient in many foodstuffs, significance of sugar in our diet), the his- tory of sugar (sugar as a luxury good 200 years ago), sugar formation in the beet (photosynthesis), sugar extraction (the major processes in the sugar factory), kinds of sugar (proper- ties of sugar, various kinds of sugar and their uses).
Learn moreDinosaurs
hey are gigantic, fascinating and have offered material for the media time and again – dinosaurs. Year after year, our knowledge about these animal increases. In spite of that, opinions persist that all dinosaurs were bloodthirsty, cruel carnivores. The film at hand clears up these misconceptions.
Learn moreBanana
Bananas can be bought at any supermarket today. We eat them raw or make them into cakes, shakes and ice-cream. But where do bananas come from? How have they got to the supermarket? On plantations in Costa Rica bananas are cultivated in an elaborate process. It is most important that bananas always have enough heat, sun and water. When the bananas are harvested, the workers carefully cut them off with machetes and take them to the packaging station. From there they are transported to the container ships by lorry. In the process the fruits undergo constant quality control. Storage temperature is important as well. After about three weeks the bananas are ready for sale at our supermarkets. The film illustrates the development of the banana from planting to harvest and the subsequent transport until they are finally sold at our supermarkets. Why does the banana not rot on the journey? Why is the banana bent? These and more questions are vividly answered. With the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom
Learn moreLight
"At night all cats are black." – all of you will probably know this figure of speech. Light is involved or rather a situation where little light is available.
Learn moreFahrrad
Das Fahrrad ist nicht nur das erste Individualverkehrsmittel gewesen, es ist bis heute auch das preiswerteste geblieben. Fahrradfahren ist zum Lieblingssport der Deutschen geworden. Fero Andersen macht auf dem Rennrad eine Rundtour um den Gardasee. Mit dabei ist ein Fahrradprofi und ein eher untrainierter Mensch – was passiert im Körper der drei Radler? Ist Fahrradfahren wirklich so gesund wie angepriesen und wenn ja, warum? Joey Grit Winkler nimmt mithilfe eines Profis die verschiedenen Fahrradtypen unter die Lupe und erklärt ihre Vorzüge: Rennrad, Mountainbike, Trekkingrad, Cruiser und Co. – für welches Terrain eignen sie sich am besten? Die Redewendung „Das ist wie das Fahrradfahren – das verlernt man nie!“ wird häufig verwendet. Wir gehen der Sache auf den Grund: Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen wir, um Rad zu fahren, und warum verlernen wir es nie? Ein modernes Fahrrad besteht aus Tausenden von Einzelteilen – wir zeigen, wie aufwendig die Produktion der heutigen High-Tech-Fahrräder ist und wie akribisch die Fahrräder getestet werden. Was muss ein Fahrrad alles haben, um in Deutschland eine Straßenzulassung zu erhalten? Außerdem in der Sendung: Wie viel hält ein Fahrradhelm aus? Wie schwer sind Fahrradschlösser zu knacken? Dazu gibt es die besten Tipps von einem Fahrraddoktor, wie man ein Fahrrad schnell und einfach repariert.
Learn moreCommunication
There is almost no other technical field in which such wide-reaching changes have taken place in recent years as in the field of communication. The film provides impressive evidence of the developments and advances of communication technology. The invention of radio technology, introducing a new era of the transmission of messages, is demonstrated as well as innovations in the field of radio broadcasting and eventually the propagandistic use of radio and television during the Third Reich. Efforts to transmit language are a topic of the film as well as the worldwide success of the telephone which led to the formation of telephone exchanges. The film concentrates just as much on a detailed presentation of the current situation as on a precise description of the bygone era. The advent of television developed by Becquerel, by Nipkow and Braun up to the transition from analog to digital TV broadcasting is made a subject of discussion. Earlier film footage adds to the authenticity and makes past aspects comprehensible. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn morePreußen I
Was später Preußen genannt wurde, war zunächst ein geografischer Flickenteppich von kleinen Fürstentümern und Königreichen. Diese Ländereien miteinander zu verbinden, wurde das Ziel aller folgenden preußischer Herrscher.
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