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1511 results

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Am 27. Januar 1756 wurde in Salzburg ein Komponist geboren, der in seinem viel zu kurzen Leben die Musikwelt verändert hat: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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Water is Everywhere

In terms easily understandable to children, this DVD makes us realize how important water is in our everyday life. The film shows where water comes from, how the water cycle on earth works and describes the long journey of the water before it finally flows from our taps. Splash, the raindrop, guides the children through the exciting world of water. It also points out possible dangers and explains that water is the most important resource on earth. For without water, there is no life. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience our most important resource with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a suitable, childoriented basis for projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children‘s everyday lives.

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Life in the Lake

All of you certainly know a lake. Perhaps you have even been splashing around in a lake once because lakes are big stretches of water. But what actually is a lake? How did it form? What lives in a lake and around it? That is what we want to find out together. How do you actually recognise that you are at a lake? If you look closely, you see, simply put, that lakes are always where water collects in a very big depression on the earth’s surface. Contrary to rivers, lakes are therefore bodies of water that are surrounded on all sides by a shore.

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The Blue Rider

The Blue Rider – this is the name a group of artists chose for themselves when they joined forces just over 100 years ago to exhibit their works together.

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Die meisten der Informationen, die auf uns einströmen und einwirken, nehmen wir über unseren Sehsinn wahr. Was passiert in unseren Augen aber genau während des Sehvorgangs?

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Almost every biochemical reaction in living organisms is regulated and controlled by enzymes. Without enzymes we could not breathe, digest food and the hereditary information in our cells could not be repaired and copied.

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Menstrual Cycle

It is a very special moment when you get your first period. And then we say: maybe this is worth a visit to the cinema for you and your parents or you go out for a meal together with your parents, without your siblings, or perhaps you have a little party or there is something special to eat, so don’t be shy. Dare to communicate this.

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Carnivorous Plants

Up to the middle of the 19th century it was believed that plants exclusively served as a nutritional staple to be eaten by herbivorous primary consumers.      

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Milch und Käse

Seit Jahrtausenden wird aus geronnener Milch eines der schmackhaftesten und vielfältigsten Grundnahrungsmittel hergestellt: Käse. Alle Varianten und Sorten aufzuzählen, die es allein in Europa gibt, ist eine nahezu unlösbare Aufgabe. Am berühmtesten sind die gelben Laibe aus der Schweiz und Frankreich. Aber auch Deutschland braucht sich in der Käse-Frage nicht hinter seinen beiden Nachbarn zu verstecken. Für "Schau dich schlau!" begeben sich Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen auf die Reise ins Käse-Universum. Während Joey alle offenen Fragen rund ums Thema klärt, beschäftigt sich Fero mit praktischen Dingen - der Käseherstellung!

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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AIDS is an issue that remains critical in view of the globally increasing infection rates. This DVD informs pupils on the immune deficiency disease and the ways in which the infection is passed on, it shows the scale of the pandemic and tries to make the young viewers aware of the difficult situation of those afflicted by it. Impressive original pictures demonstrate the commitment of voluntary helpers in the AIDS hospice run by the Brother- hood of the Blessed Gérard in Mandeni, South Africa. A visit to the Munich-based AIDS-Hilfe e.V. provides the pupils with an overview of the assistance and care offered by municipal AIDS relief organisations. Further, they gain an insight into everyday life at ZIK – a housing project for people tested HIV positive in Berlin. Firsthand reports from young infected persons directly address the pupils and warn them against “unsafe sex”. The extensive didactic accompanying material provides detailed information on HIV and AIDS and encourages responsible behaviour towards oneself and others. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be individually accessed via the DVD menu.

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Worth Eating

Bio/eco – words that earlier on were likely to cause smiles but today are simply part of a modern lifestyle. Taking care that textiles, cars and especially victuals are produced ecologically compatible is a trend. However, it is not only a bad conscience that induces us to buy a bio apple instead of sprayed apples. Mostly we are also quite simply convinced by its taste! So it is hardly surprising that not only bio farms or weekly markets sell fruits and vegetables that have been grown organically but also supermarkets and even discounters. But how does biodynamic cultivation actually work? What distinguishes it from traditional agriculture? What connection is there with appropriate animal husbandry and how are the groceries marketed? The film ´Biodynamic Farming´ and the corresponding accompanying material get to the bottom of these questions and provide in-depth information around the topic. Furthermore, exciting and instructive exercises are to be found in the accompanying material.

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Most people know penguins only from the zoological garden. There they arouse many visitors’ interest. This is, on the one hand, because of their peculiar black-and-white colouring, which reminds you of a tail coat, on the other hand, because of their upright walk. We find penguins amusing or funny; but if we knew more about their extraordinary skills, we would not laugh about them but gaze at them in wonder and reverence.

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