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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of the field of optics with an emphasis on the following main topics: All three models, i.e. the ray theory, the wave theory and the quantum theory of light, are explained by means of selected phenomena. The pupils learn about the conditions, the principles and appearances regarding reflection and refraction and are encouraged to perform easy experiments themselves. Optics are introduced to the pupils with the help of examples from nature, road traffic and the environment. Simple optical instruments such as a magnifying glass, a camera, a microscope, an astronomic telescope and the eye are described. Further, the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a line spectrum, a solar cell and a radiometer are explained in selected sections. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.

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Active Classroom

Movement is healthy! It furthers activation or relaxation, strengthens the muscles and improves coordination. Often a few minutes are enough when during lessons you have short breaks for action units in the classroom. Sabrina Schamberger and Sherin Watzlawzyk-Sutter demonstrate with their classes how, apart from the acquisition of knowledge, also various groups of muscles can be trained during lessons. Activating movement games stimulate the circulatory system and offer relaxation from concentrating and sitting still. Rock music does not only help during short games, it also sets the rhythm for dances of various degrees of difficulty.

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A battery is a portable source of chemical energy, which is converted to electrical energy as soon as the battery is placed in a circuit. The main principle is the same in almost all batteries. A metal that forms the negative terminal is opposite a positive terminal. The positive terminal is also called anode, the negative terminal cathode. Between the two terminals there is an electrically conductive liquid, the so-called electrolyte. As soon as a battery is placed in a circuit, positive and negative terminals are connected via an external contact and electrolysis takes place. On the way, a current flows from anode to cathode

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Wo der Mensch lebt, hinterlässt er materielle Spuren, die teilweise viele tausend Jahre im Boden erhalten bleiben.

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Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei, ingenious inventor and researcher whose findings changed the whole world.

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Battle of the Nations

From 16th to 19th October 1813 the allies Austria, Prussia, Russia and Sweden inflicted the decisive defeat on the French army, thus breaking the supremacy of Napoleon over Europe. In the first mass combat in modern times more than half a million soldiers from all parts of Europe fought for the political future and the territorial division of the continent. The Battle of the Nations went down in history as the biggest and bloodiest battle until the First World War. The film tells the story of this crushing blow to Napoleon. With exciting footage, filmed during the historical re-enactment of the Battle on the occasion of its 200th anniversary, and numerous interviews history is brought to life again. Together with the extensive teaching material in the data section the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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Second World War I

When, on 1st September 1939, the German Wehrmacht unleashed the Second World War with the attack on Poland, nobody could have visualised what immense suffering and gigantic destruction would descend on mankind during the following six years. More than 57 million people, including almost 27 million Russians, paid for the German quest for world domination with their lives. Incited by populist ideas, almost an entire nation enthusiastically went to “all-out war”, thus plunging the world into the second great disaster of the 20th century. But shouldn’t people have known better considering that the First World War had only just been 21 years before?

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Chemie im Haushalt

Backen, Abwaschen, reinigen, – ganz normale Tätigkeiten im Haushalt. Dazu nutzen wir meist vielfältige Helfer wie Back- und Reinigungsmittel. Die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Chemie und der damit verbundenen chemischen Reaktionen sind uns oft nicht bewusst.

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Aluminium II

The metal aluminium is growing in importance because of its specific properties and manifold application possibilities. This DVD deals with the industrial production of aluminium as a raw material, its processing and the manufacturing of alloys for the finished product. Starting with the raw material aluminium oxide the functioning of an electrolytic cell is demonstrated and explained. Alumina, white and powdery, is melted with great expenditure of energy, and by means of electrolysis converted into aluminium with a degree of purity of 99.9%. As aluminium oxide would not melt before a temperature of over 2,000°C is reached, the mineral cryolite is used as a solvent. The various alloys change the properties of aluminium and are produced according to precise formulations. The alloy is cast into blocks and bars that serve as primary material for processing plants. The responsible handling of resources underscores the importance of recycling. Aluminium is resilient and versatile.

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Lied der Nibelungen

Die Nibelungensaga ist eines der wirkungsmächtigsten Werke der deutschen Literatur. Das Epos um den Schatz der Nibelungen, Macht, Liebe, Tod und Rache entstand im 12. Jahrhundert. Der unbekannte Verfasser erzählt in mittelhochdeutscher Sprache und in 39 Aventiuren die Geschichte von Siegfried, Kriemhild, Gunther, Brünhild und Hagen und dem Untergang der Burgunden. Auch gibt der Film eindrücklich Hinweis auf die Entstehung der Texte und wie diese in der damaligen Zeit niedergeschrieben wurden. Er verweist auf die Existenz der unterschiedlichen Abschriften der Saga und wo sie heute zu finden sind. Auch nimmt er die Schüler:innen mit auf die Reise entlang der Schauplätze an der Donau.

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Auf dem Weg zum Metaverse

Mitten in einer Schulstunde den Mount Everest besteigen, oder eine Raumfahrt unternehmen? Das Metaverse, das Web 3.0, macht es möglich.

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Learning How to Write Properly

Learning to write is at the beginning of the pupils' school career.

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