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Like Christians and Jews, Muslims believe in only one God. Today about four million Muslims
Learn moreHandelsrouten
Seit Jahrtausenden handeln Menschen mit den verschiedensten Waren. Anfangs geschah dies in einem sehr begrenzten Umfeld, im Laufe der Geschichte wurden für seltene und exotische Handelsgüter allerdings auch weite Wege und gefährliche Reisen in Kauf genommen.
Learn moreCoasts
The border area of the ecosystems of land and sea, which influence each other, is referred to as coast.
Learn moreHigh-tech Locations
The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.
Learn moreBavaria
The free state of Bavaria is one of the most diverse states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Amidst the Alps with the Alpine Foothills and the Frankenwald and Lake Constance in the southwest, there are various regions that considerably differ from each other with regard to landscape as well as to economic basis. From a historical point of view, too, today’s Bavaria has evolved from individual states like the Duchy of Bavaria and several dioceses and free imperial cities like, for instance, Freising and Augsburg. Particularly interesting is the rise of the former agrarian state, which was to a large extent structurally weak, to one of the leading federal states in terms of economy and technology in the period from World War II until today. With its culture and numerous cultural treasures, Bavaria attracts tourists from all over the world, which contri- buted to the emergence of a service-oriented economy. Due to the modified, modular regional-studies approach, the DVD is suitable from the 5th to the 10th year of school.
Learn moreWine-Growing
The film starts with a short, simple overview of the importance of viticulture in Germany and Austria and the most famous wine regions in both countries. Then it goes on to discuss the most important conditions (soil, solar radiation) and forms of cultivation (terraces and vineyards on the plains) as well as the most widely spread types of grapes in Germany and Austria. In the main part of the film, pupils of a primary school accompany a wine-grower throughout the working year, watching him at work in the vineyard: form of the vine, work in winter (pruning, fruitbearing vines, substitute vines) turning cut-off vines into chaff, additional jobs (hammering in sticks, tightening wires, fastening fruit-bearing vines), removal of the earth from the grafting spots, pest control, cultivation of green manure crops, removal of surplus shoots, blossoming, weed removal, fighting nematodes (threadworms) biologically by cultivating daikon radish and, finally, harvesting. Apart from the manual harvest – where young and old people join in – also the use of harvesters is described.
Learn moreGreen Tourism
Whereas a few decades ago many countries on this earth could be reached under the most difficult conditions only, an unlimited number of travel destinations all over the world are open to people today. Package tours, long-haul flights even to the most distant regions, are available to almost anyone willing to travel.
Learn moreElections
There is no democracy without regular elections. Elections are the citizen’s most important means of actively shaping the politics of his or her state. Democracy is based on the citizens’ recognition and support. Everyone has the possibility of political involvement.
Learn moreZehnfingersystem
Die Technik des Zehnfingerschreibens ist vor allem in vielen kaufmännischen Berufen eine wesentliche Anforderung.
Learn moreArche Noah
Die Sintflut ist die Urkatastrophe der Menschheit. Die Beständigkeit des Lebens, die Hoffnung, die im Regenbogen aufkeimt, ist ein wesentliches Element der Schöpfungsgeschichte.
Learn moreDer Froschkönig
Das Märchen vom Froschkönig ist eines der bekanntesten deutschen Märchen.
Learn moreWerken 1
Mit den eigenen Händen etwas herstellen, an dem man sich freuen kann – das lernen die Schüler im Fach Werken und Gestalten.
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