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1511 results

Safety in Road Traffic

This DVD encourages children as young traffic participants to be considerate in road traffic to ensure safety and show social responsibility. It explains that in road traffic, children are especially exposed to danger and emphasises that above all, primary school children are confronted with a lot of novel and difficult situations. The film focuses on the following aspects of road training: Pedestrians in road traffic, seeing and being seen, being a car passenger, the bicycle as a means of transport, the blind spot, the safe bike, traffic signs and regulations, turning left, the bicycle test. This DVD preventively supports correct conduct in everyday road traffic in terms clearly understandable to children.

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Domestic Fruit Species

The film deals extensively with the topic "Fruit". In a simple and comprehensible manner but with professional accuracy, it tells the primary school children about processes in nature. They learn how fruits form and develop on fruit trees and bushes. Information on domestic fruit farming is provided and they get to know the importance of fruit for a healthy diet. The film deals with the following core themes: domestic fruit species (various species, appearance, spread ...), aggregate fruit (pollination and fertilisation, developmental stages of an apple ...), drupe (structure and components of a cherry blossom, cherry tree transformation ...), berry fruit (ingredients, harvest time, vitamin content ...), methods of cultivation (plantation, orchards and their animal life ...), processing (harvest, apple juice production, preparation of jam ...). The film is divided into 5 menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be dealt with separately. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the film is ideally suited for use in lessons.

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Dead Angle

Not only lorries have a dead angle. Other big vehicles such as buses or motor homes, even perfectly normal cars have a dead angle, that means an area where a driver might overlook a cyclist or pedestrian when turning corners. New technology is meant to help prevent accidents between cyclists and lorries. For example, sensors are often attached to lorries nowadays.

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Stochastik 2

Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeiten begegnen uns jedes Mal, wenn wir eine neue Information erhalten, die ein Ereignis unseres Interesses beeinflusst, beispielsweise einen Börsenkurs. Der Unterrichtsfilm löst die typischen Denkblockaden und vermeintlichen Widersprüche auf. Er vermittelt die Struktur der zugrunde liegenden Probleme anschaulich mit vielen Beispielen.

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The Otto Engine

This DVD offers an insight into the historical birth of the Otto engine and also describes its latest version – the hybrid engine. In addition, other engines of the future are covered. The life and achievements of Nikolaus August Otto are dis- cussed, with all his successes and failures, from his first en- gineering attempts when reconstructing the Lenoir engine to the presentation of the “atmospheric gas engine” on the Paris World Fair through to his cooperation with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. The mode of operation of the Otto engine is explained to the pupils in detail, also with the help of a variety of animations and diagrams. The DVD goes into the four strokes of intake, compression, power and exhaust as well as the Otto engine as energy converter. Crude oil is one of our most important sources of energy. Besides outlining the evolution and processing of crude oil into fuel, this DVD puts emphasis on the increasing shortage of global crude oil resources. Alternative propulsion sources like hybrid engines as well as hydrogen-fuelled or gas-fuelled vehicles offer an environmental-friendly vision for the automobile’s future in times of global climate change.

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Mit der Erfindung des Internets öffnen sich neue Wege der Kommunikation. Daten können in immer größer werdenden Mengen erstellt, transferiert und gespeichert werden. Doch erfordern diese Datenmengen eine neue Struktur und Organisation. Server sind darauf ausgerichtet große Datenmengen verwalten zu können.

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Source of Energy

Energy determines our lives. Without energy, plants, animals and humans would not be able to live. Without energy, there would be no movement. But what is energy? Where does it come from and how is it used – yesterday, today, tomorrow? The DVD provides an illustrative introduction into the highly topical issue of energy. Starting with the human perception, it leads us to the cosmic primal source, the huge fusion power plant above our heads – to the sun. In doing so, it explains how energy reaches the Earth and is used here in different ways by plants, animals and humans. The physics part clears up the terms work, power and degree of efficiency. The DVD shows what conversion losses occur in the process from primary energy to useful energy, of course including the clarification that energy can neither be generated nor lost in a physical sense. The ecological, economic and social sustainability is discussed. This way, it is made clear that only Renewable Energy – thus energy from the Sun – can secure our future.

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Karl der Große

Ein Beiname Karls des Großen ist „Pater Europae“, der „Vater Europas“. Jährlich wird in Aachen der Karlspreis an Politikerinnen und Politiker verliehen, die sich um die europäische Einigung verdient gemacht haben.

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Bronze Age

With the use of bronze as a working material a new historical era started at about 2200 BC.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Sustainability postcards

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The Egyptian Book of the Dead

The notions described in the texts and pictures of the Book of the Dead are central to the ancient Egyptian belief in an afterlife – the belief in resurrection and life after death. In order to be granted passage to the “Realm of the Blessed”, the deceased first have to justify themselves before the Court of Death and give account that they have led their lives according to the laws of Maat – the order of the universe and justice. The Book of the Dead lists the names of the judges at the Court of Death, who the dead must appeal to and convince of their innocence. Further, it contains a plethora of magical texts for the protection of the deceased and describes the places in the underworld. These texts were inscribed on papyri, coffins and numerous burial objects like canopic jars, uschebtis or mummy masks so that they were available to the deceased at any time. After all, they describe their transformation from mortals to glorified god-like beings who would live eternally.

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Ernesto Che Guevara

Che Guevara is the revolutionary fighter of the 20th century. His famous portrait can be seen everywhere on posters and T shirts. But who was Che Guevara? How did Ernesto Guevara de la Serna become the best-known revolutionist of contemporary history? Che is born in Rosario in Argentina as the son of a modern, educated couple. He attends high school and subsequently studies medicine.

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Plastic has been around for not longer than roughly 100 years, and the synthetic material is a brilliant invention. Its production is cheap, it can take almost any possible form, it is light-weight, versatile and, above all, inexpensive.

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