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Geiger-Müller Counter Tube
Radioactivity leads to invisible radiation with considerable effects on the organism.
Learn moreQigong
In diesem Film nimmt Caroline vom Gorilla Schulprogramm gGmbH mit auf eine Reise um Stress abzubauen und die Muskeln zu stärken. Sie stellt die uralte chinesische Mediations-, Konzentrations- und Entspannungstechnik vor.
Learn moreArtificial Intelligence
Intelligent machines not only carry out predefined work steps but also learn from experience thus developing their own problem solving strategies. In addition, they can pass on their knowledge to other machines and interact with them. Artificial intelligence is pure software which, combined with various sensors, takes further decisions from the data thus obtained. Artificial intelligences have already conquered our everyday lives. When we have bought something online, an artificial intelligence could have ensured that we receive the ordered product on time. Because in many large companies machine brains help with logistics, accounting and customer service. Even at the doctor’s or in hospital we may come across artificial intelligence. Because sometimes it assists physicians with the diagnosis of diseases or in selecting an appropriate therapy. An AI can also be helpful in prognosticating the chances of recovery.
Learn moreHybrid Drives
When Lena goes through the city centre by car, she has to be particularly careful, because her car is almost inaudible and therefore pedestrians often hear it just in the nick of time. For in the city centre, her car is powered by electricity. The power is provided by a strong battery in the boot.
Learn moreThirty Years’ War
For thirty years war was waged in an area where Germany and Austria are located today.
Learn moreTrain to Auschwitz
»They had better look out… one day our patience will be at an end and then these impudent and hypocritical Jews will be reduced to silence.«
Learn moreThe Border
The DVD helps students, who have no first-hand recollection of the partition of Germany, to approach this problem. The film illustrates the historical development of the inner- German border from 1945 to 1989. The example of Point Alpha also sheds some light on the Cold War – not without reason, the camp has been considered the „hottest spot of the Cold War“. Photos of the German Border Police, pictures from the exhibitions at the memorial Point Alpha near Fulda and the „house at the border“ create a vivid impression of the partition of Germany. Ninth-form students interviewed contemporary witnesses for the film: one of the American commanders at Camp Point Alpha (Steven Steininger), the former mayor of Fulda (Dr. Wolfgang Hamberger) and two border guards of the West German Border Police, Erwin Ritter and Gerd Leinert. Bertold Dücker describes his escape across the border. After the almost complete dismantling of the border installations, only few remains of the former border can still be seen today. The film provides background material and points out Running Time: 22:29 ms how important it is to visit the memorial.
Learn moreGreat Disasters I
A disaster occurs when the balance inherent in a certain phenomenon is disturbed. This can happen either because a new powerful force comes into play which triggers the disaster or because a small – even tiny – causal factor interferes in a situation with an unstable equilibrium and manages to achieve an enormous effect.
Learn moreProdukte des Alltags
Gut verpackt ist halb verkauft. Je kreativer, bunter und ansprechender Produkte verpackt sind, desto besser lassen sie sich verkaufen. Laut aktuellen Studien trifft ein Käufer seine Entscheidung in nur 1,6 Sekunden. Und dabei lässt er sich meistens von Größe, Farbe, Design und dem Namen des Produkts leiten. Der Inhalt wird bei der Kaufentscheidung oft zur Nebensache. In dieser neuen Folge von "Schau Dich schlau!" erklären Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen neben psychologisch präzise ausgefeilten Verkaufsstrategien auch die Herkunft der bekanntesten Markennamen. Psychologen haben herausgefunden: Sehen wir etwas Rotes, Gelbes oder Orangenes, bekommen wir automatisch Appetit. Fällt unser Blick auf etwas Grünes oder Blaues, denken wir an Sauberkeit und Frische. Von einem Experten wird Joey Grit Winkler in die Geheimnisse der Verpackungswelt eingeführt und lässt sich erklären, woher die bekanntesten Markennamen kommen. Währenddessen taucht Fero Andersen in die Materie ein und analysiert, ob in den Verpackungen auch immer das drin steckt, was drauf steht. Muss Schwarzwälder Schinken aus dem Schwarzwald stammen? Oder genügt es, wenn der Schinken lediglich im Schwarzwald geräuchert wurde, das Fleisch aber aus Dänemark stammt? "Schau Dich schlau!" klärt über diese und andere wichtige und interessante Verbraucherfragen auf.
Learn moreSchiller’s The Robbers
“The Robbers“ by Friedrich Schiller begins with a wicked intrigue. It revolves around two brothers; Karl Moor and Franz Moor, sons of the reigning Count von Moor, who hate each other. The rivalry between the two brothers is great. On the one hand, there is Karl, the intelligent, freedom-loving robber, and on the other, Franz, suffering from withdrawal of love, scheming and coldly calculating.
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