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„Schau dich schlau!“ begibt sich in eine der ältesten deutschen Warenhausketten und zeigt an diesem Beispiel, was alles nötig ist, damit die Kunden sorgenfrei einkaufen können.
Learn moreBeatbox
Beatboxing ist eine Technik der Stimmenimitation, die seit den 1980er Jahren eine weite Verbreitung vor allem in der Hip-Hop-Musik gefunden hat. Beatboxing sorgt stets für großes Erstaunen, wenn die Bestandteile eines Schlagzeugs, Kick Drum, Hi Hat und Snare Drum verblüffend realistisch nachgeahmt werden.
Learn moreDiscovering the World with All Senses
Professor: “Hello, children! My name is Elfriede von Knatterberg and I’m a scientist. Perhaps we already know each other from a previous film. I’m very pleased to discover the world with you today because I’m interested in everything around me and love finding out how things work. Do you love it, too? How do we actually find out how things are made around us? We see with our eyes, feel with our skin, smell with our nose, taste with our tongue and hear with our ears. These are our senses“. With the eyes we see whether it is light or dark, whether something is multicoloured or just one colour, big, small, thick or thin. Our sense of sight also helps us to determine which way we can go without colliding with someone, where obstacles are or which place is still free.
Learn moreInsects
Many families have got gardens adjacent to their houses and they are a must in kindergarten, too. When children are in nature and move around, they discover their environment with all their senses. In every meadow, scuttling, crawling, buzzing and bumbling creatures can be found.
Learn moreReis
Reis gehört zu den am meisten als Nahrungsmittel genutzten Pflanzen auf der Welt. Für einen Großteil der Weltbevölkerung bildet Reis die Nahrungsgrundlage.
Learn moreStarling
In general, male and female starlings look very much alike. In spring, starlings assume their nuptial plumage, in autumn, after moulting, they wear their eclipse plumage.
Learn moreGenetics
Genetics means something like genealogy, origin and, in contemporary terminology, also the study of inheritance.
Learn moreBiotechnology III
Biotechnological knowledge and applications can be divided into several subareas. For easy orientation and distinction, the respective fields have been assigned a specific colour. The second part of this biotechnology series covered red biotechnology, which is the medical field. In this part, green biotechnology, which refers to agriculture, white (industrial) biotechnology and grey biotechnology, which refers to environmental protection, are dealt with.
Learn moreContraception
In view of a considerable number of teenage pregnancies and commencement of sexual activities at an average age of 15, the topic of contraception is extremely important in lower secondary school. This DVD offers a complete film as well as working materi- al that allows for a discussion of the topic according to the requirements of the respective type of school as well as to the socio-cultural circumstances. Apart from the film itself, which outlines the most important contraceptive methods, selected animations can be accessed via the menu. They illustrate complex content such as a woman’s cycle, structure and function of the male sexual organs and the effects of different contraceptives in terms understandable to pupils. The film is suitable for an entire series of lessons, with the teachers deciding themselves on the basis of the menu struc- ture what content is appropriate for a class.
Learn moreMicrocosm
We perceive the world we live in with our sense organs. However, perception with our senses represents only a limited part of the cosmos we live in. There is a world eluding the perception of our eyes. It exists hidden away for its cosmos is extremely small. The world of microcosm. This world is full of fascination and surprises. Up to the 1930s a deeper penetration into the microcosm was impossible. Only the invention of a new technology enabled us to render still smaller details of the microcosm visible to the human eye. A magnification of up to a thousandth millimetre has become possible. This film provides a profound insight into the microcosm. Rare pictures of mites, water bears and other creatures, made visible by means of various microscopes make the film an extraordinary experience. In addition, the DVD includes bonus material explaining the functions of the different microscopes with the help of diagrams. Due to the combination of the subjects of microcosm and microscopes, this DVD is perfectly suited for biology classes as well as physics lessons.
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