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1511 results

Units of Length

The DVD starts with a look back into the past. How did peop- le measure in former times? What historical units of measure- ment were there? What is the standard metre? Since when has there been a system of units? Subsequently, the units of measurement – metre (m), centimetre (cm), milllimetre (mm), decimetre (dm) and kilo- metre (km) – are examined more closely. In a third chapter, an overview of the conversions is presented and their systematics explained. Decimal points and the prefixes are clearly illustrated. Then the DVD offers a digression visiting other countries and their length units. America and Great Britain, with inches, feet, yards and miles, play a central role. In the fifth chapter, calculations using scales are presented. Here the focus is laid on scales in maps, but also scaling down and up are dealt with. In the last chapter, circumferences of rectangles and squares are measured and calculated with various examples.

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Licht und Farbe

Ohne Licht würde auf unserer Erde kaum Leben existieren. Pflanzen brauchen diese elektromagentischen Wellen, um zu wachsen und durch den Vorgang der Photosynthese unter anderem Sauerstoff zu produzieren. Genauso sind Farben wesentlicher Bestandteil in der Natur und haben ihre eigene Bedeutung. Auffällige Färbungen bei Reptilien sollen Gefahr signalisieren, während ein möglichst prächtiges Federkleid bei Vögeln ihre Attraktivität steigern soll. Genau wie andere Arten reagieren auch Menschen auf Licht und Farben. „Schau dich schlau!“ zeigt, wie die beiden Komponenten eingesetzt werden, um uns Wohlbehagen zu bescheren oder uns zum Beispiel zum Kaufen zu animieren.

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Jeder kennt sie: externe Speichermedien für Aufzeichnungsgeräte aller Art sowie für PCs und Laptops. Sie sind aus unserer heutigen Zeit nicht mehr wegzudenken.

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Solar Energy

80 % of our current energy needs are covered by fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). Their supply may soon lead to severe problems as worldwide stocks will be exhausted one day. That is why the future belongs to renewable energy from sun, wind, water, and biomass. The Sun as an inexhaustible energy source is estimated to be available to us for another 4.5 billion years to come. It supplies us with “clean energy“ that is available everywhere on earth and that exceeds worldwide energy needs many times over. The film presents the pupils with the long history of solar energy use. The functioning of solar collectors, solar cells and solar power plants is explained, the current operating ranges of solar technology are dealt with and an outlook for the future is provided. With the act on the phasing-out of nuclear energy Germany has taken over a pioneering role worldwide in the field of renewable energies. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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The Franks presumably arose from various western Germanic tribes originally living between the Rhine and Weser rivers.

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Greek Mythology

The search for the origin and meaning of our existence has always been an integral part of the history of mankind. The religion and myths of the ancient Greeks with their impressive realm of gods were influenced by the oldest advanced civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, spread their impact in  Hellenistic and Roman times and have retained their influence on the culture of the Western world until today.

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Ways to Democracy

This film shows the most important stages on the way to the development of democracy in Germany. It begins with the foundation (1792) and quick end (1793) of the Republic of Mainz in the course of the French Revolution, gives an account of the Hambacher Fest in the pre-March era and the failed revolution of 1848/49, contemplates the democratic development in the German empire and the late realisation of the first German democratic national state in the Republic of Weimar. Other important steps are the erosion of the Weimar constitution after 1933, Germany’s transformation into the national socialist dictatorship and World War II as well as the formation of different democratic models in West Germany and East Germany after 1945. Finally, it is described where the rules of democracy can be explained and practiced today and what current dangers there are to the democratic system of government. The aim is to make pupils aware of the fact that democracy must not be taken for granted – it is a historical legacy that we always have to safeguard.

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Dictatorships in the 20th Century VI

Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco y Bahamonde Salgado Pardo is born in El Ferrol (Galicia) on 4th December 1892.

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Solutions, Emulsions and Mixtures of Substances

Be it milk in a cereal bowl, tea in a glass or the air around us. We constantly come across mixtures of substances in our everyday lives. As the name suggests, they are mixtures – mixtures of several so-called pure substances.

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Heutzutage einen Industriezweig zu finden, der ohne Gummi auskommt, ist denkbar schwierig. In dieser Folge gehen Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen der Frage nach: Was ist Gummi eigentlich und wie wird er hergestellt?

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Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse, (1877 -1962) war ein deutsch-schweizerischer Schriftsteller, Dichter und Maler. Er war Zeit seines Lebens ein Suchender. Nicht nur sein großes dichterisches Werk, das ihm 1946 den Nobelpreis einbrachte, auch sein Lebenslauf legt Zeugnis davon ab.

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Die Technik des Chroma Keying erlaubt es, einfarbige Hintergründe aus Bildern zu entfernen und auszutauschen.

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