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Benin is situated in Equatorial Africa and is one of the poorest countries of the world. One third of its population lives in extreme poverty and infant mortality is high. The film provides an overview of the geographic location of Benin in Africa, its natural environment, climate and population. A brief outline of its history shows the development from the kingdom of Dan-Homé to the People's Republic of Benin. Economy, infrastructure and expansion of agriculture are featured as well as the way of life, the complexity of religions, cultures and dialects. Educational opportunities for children and adolescents are insufficient. The catastrophic conditions of medical services, problems associated with AIDS and inadequate development aid are exposed.

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Die Vielfalt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen Küste und den Alpen zeigt sich auch in ihrer föderalen Struktur und den 16 Bundesländern.

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Die Gründe, warum Menschen aus ihrer Heimat fliehen, sind vielfältig. Ob Krieg, politische oder religiöse Verfolgung, Hunger oder Armut – letztlich ist die Situation für alle Menschen, die sich auf die Flucht begeben, in ihrer Heimat derart hoffnungslos und verzweifelt, dass sie sich ein würdiges Leben nur noch in der Fremde vorstellen können.

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Schwimmen lernen und sich sicher und angstfrei im Wasser bewegen zu können, ist in vielerlei Hinsicht wichtig. Nicht nur, dass Schwimmen elementar für die Gesundheitsförderung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung der Schüler:innen ist – schwimmen zu können, bzw. sich in Gefahrensituationen richtig zu verhalten, kann Leben retten.

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Kerzen sind für Grundschulkinder eine der ersten Begegnungen mit offenem Feuer.

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Healthy Diet

For a healthy, balanced and vitamin-rich diet it is essential to know what basic ingredients are contained in our food. Let us take a look at the carbohydrates first. These are contained in bread but also in pasta, rice, potatoes and also in fruit such as bananas.

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Bridges are structures designed to overcome obstacles.

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Feelings belong to humans like their noses and ears or like eating and breathing.

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The Hedge in the Course of a Year

This DVD offers clearly structured information, in particular covering the following topics: Firstly, the diversity and type as well as the different tasks of a hedge are described. Vivid pictures illustrate the difference between low hedges, hedges of middle height and high hedges. The structure of the hedge is explained in detail. The DVD shows the hedge in the course of a year with the accompanying changes in flora and fauna. Here, an emphasis is put on introducing the most common shrubs, trees, flowers and animal species associated with the biotope of a hedge.In addition, the pupils learn to distinguish between poisonous and edible fruit from indigenous shrubs, illustrated by the examples of elder bush, blackthorn and the spindle tree. Blooms, fruit, spiders, insects and other hedge-dwellers are presented in close-ups of superior quality. The learning target “from the bloom to the fruit” is illustrated with the help of an animation. The film shows the interactions between plants and animals and highlights the correlations among the dwellers of the hedge habitat.

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Birds at the Bird Feeder

Winter has come. The trees are bare, a thick layer of snow covers the ground. Life seems to have frozen. There are a lot of animals that seem to cope very well with these harsh conditions. But for our native birds, a severe winter may mean a life-and-death struggle.

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Fruit is a multi-faceted gift of nature. Almost no other food is available to us in such a variety. It tastes good, is healthy and can mostly be eaten raw. However, it should be well washed before or even peeled, depending on the variety. The term “fruit” is understood to mean fruits from trees and shrubs. Fruits contain besides a mostly rather high amount of water a great number of vitamins and minerals. A lot of fruit grows here in Central Europe, in Germany or Austria. Among these so-called “domestic“ fruits are apples, pears, strawberries and blueberries. They mostly ripen in autumn. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and tangerines do not grow around here as they require a lot of sunlight and heat for their growth. They are imported to us by lorry mostly from countries around the Mediterranean such as Spain, Italy and Greece. Exotic fruits like pineapples and bananas need a tropical climate with a lot of heat, sunshine and water. Due to modern means of transport, these widely travelled varieties of fruit are meanwhile available in every supermarket throughout the whole year.

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