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Der persische Mathematiker und Astronom Abu l-Wafa entdeckte und beschrieb im 10. Jahrhundert in der Trigonometrie den Zusammenhang zwischen einer Seite und dem ihr gegenüberliegenden Winkel.
Learn moreElektrizität
Die Elektrifizierung bedeutete für die Menschheit einen fundamentalen Fortschritt.
Learn moreKendama
„Kendama“ heißt wörtlich Schwert und Kugel und besteht aus einem Ball und einem Griff verbunden durch eine Schnur. Bei dem japanischen Geschicklichkeitsspiel gibt es eine unendliche große Anzahl an Tricks und Möglichkeiten, um die Kugel des Spiels aufzufangen. Es kann überall und von jedem gespielt werden.
Learn more3D-Design & Druck in der Schule
Anhand zahlreicher praxisnaher Beispiele zeigt der Film, wie man mit dem 3D-Drucker den Unterricht bereichern kann.
Learn moreEisenzeit
Vor beinah 3.000 Jahren gelangte die Technik der Eisenherstellung nach Europa. Die Vorteile von Eisen gegenüber der Bronze waren eine größere Härte und in Eisenerz ein besser verfügbarer Rohstoff. Es erfolgte eine allmähliche Verdrängung der Bronze und ungefähr ab 700 v.Chr. kann man ín Europa die Epoche der Eisenzeit verorten.
Learn moreGenghis Khan
They appeared all of a sudden, as if from nowhere. Wild Mongol hordes on horseback overrun the Asian Steppes and Russian expanses at the beginning of the 13th century. Nobody can hold up their triumphal march. The leader of the Mongols is Genghis Khan, a merciless conqueror and visionary statesman. His myth is still topical today. The myth of Genghis Khan, the “Apocalyptic Horseman”. The film describes the development of the young Temujin to one of the greatest generals in history. Impressive pictures show the live of Genghis Khan from the cradle to the grave. By maps used systematically, his military campaigns are shown and a timeline, which is repeatedly displayed, provides the dates of the conquests. This way, pupils can gain a better understanding of the campaigns and remember the dates better. Interesting bonus material on 13th century Europe and comprehensive accompanying material invite you to cover all aspects of the topic. Thus, history lessons become an impressive experience.
Learn moreGreat Disasters II
A disaster occurs when the balance inherent in a particular phenomenon is disturbed. This may happen either because a new powerful force comes into play that triggers the disaster or because a small – even tiny – causal factor interferes in a situation with an unstable equilibrium and manages to achieve an enormous effect.
Learn moreMaterials and Substances of Everyday Life
Hearing these words, you first think of the materials our clothing is made of. But all objects surrounding us in everyday life consist of one or several materials.
Learn moreDemography
Demography is the science that examines the structure and dynamics of population. Demographic change describes the dynamics of population size and structure. Tools of the trade for demographers are statistics.
Learn moreNathan the Wise
Nathan the Wise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing is considered one of the most important dramas of German literary history still today, 235 years after its premiere in Berlin on April 17, 1783. The notion of tolerance of the Age of Enlightenment concerning the various religions in their relationships to each other actually is what makes the play topical still today.
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