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Gauting is a municipality southwest of the city of Munich in Bavaria. About 20,000 people live in the municipality. But who actually ensures that such a system works? Who determines how and what is built? Who will ensure that traffic is regulated for all? That there are traffic lights, that pedestrians have their rights? Who makes sure that enough playgrounds are built and that there are schools for the children of the community to go to? Who leads the administration of such a municipality which is needed so that everything we take for granted in everyday life works smoothly? A mayor or mayoress takes care of all these activities. In Gauting, this is Brigitte Servatius. Today we want to visit the mayoress in the town hall with class 4c of the primary school Gauting and ask what a mayor actually does.

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Sprache untersuchen

Der liebevoll animierte Film führt Grundschüler:innen in die grundlegenden syntaktischen Strukturen ein. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die Wortarten vorgestellt und deren Verwendung dargestellt.

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Ein Flughafen ist das Tor zur Welt.

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Currently There are 194 countries or states on our earth. Every state has its own state emblem, for example, a national flag. It is a symbol of the history of a country, of its situation or its culture.

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Riparian Forest

A large area of Europe is covered by woodland. In Germany alone, the number of trees is estimated at about 90 billion at present. That means, in Germany there are more than 1,000 trees per inhabitant.

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The Senses

This DVD shows how we humans use our five senses to get in touch with our environment. The primary school pupils learn in an easily understandable way about the specifics, the use and the sensitiveness of each sensory organ and receive methodically organised information on their structure, function and protection. In addition, the human sensory organs are compared to those of different animals to illustrate similarities and differences. The DVD puts emphasis on the following topics: “Senso- ry Perceptions”, “The Eyes”, “The Ears”, “The Nose”, “The Tongue” and “The Skin”. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be inde- pendently accessed via the DVD’s menu structure. Further, the menu includes additional pictures and diagrams. With a variety of worksheets, test questions and colour slides, the curricular contents of the DVD can be captured for a more de- tailed discussion of the topic of the senses in the classroom.

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Our Money

„Money makes the world go round.“ Today this proverb is more topical than ever and perfectly describes our dependence on the currency of money. This DVD is intended to contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon of money. In doing so, it first provides an overview of different world currencies with the main emphasis on our currency, the euro. The film shows that the European currency is not specific to a country but transnational. Common features as well as differences in the coins and notes are presented and illustrated. We accompany Jenny and Jakob during their day and learn how to compare, assess, count and calculate with sums of money. The DVD looks critically into the topic of borrowing. In addition, it demonstrates the advantages of saving up, explains the concept of interest and shows how to open an account. This DVD provides a good overview of handling money and calculating with it, describes its form and characteristics and is perfectly suited for lessons in both general knowledge and mathematics at primary school.

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„Nach Regen kommt oft Sonnenschein - Das Wetter“ „Schau dich schlau!“ nimmt heute die verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen unter die Lupe. Wie entstehen Wind, Gewitter, Regen und Hagel? Außerdem zeigen unsere Moderatoren Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen, wann die verschiedenen Wetterlagen für den Menschen gefährlich werden können. Im Selbstversuch testet Fero Andersen, bei welchen Windstärken ganz normale, alltägliche Tätigkeiten wie Frühstücken, Zeitung lesen oder Rasieren überhaupt noch möglich sind. Außerdem beweist er, dass ein teurer Regenschirm nicht unbedingt der Beste sein muss.

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Breakfasting – this morning ritual exists in almost every country, every culture and every century. However, food, time, process and duration vary from country to country, family to family, person to person. The first meal of the day is of particular importance. It allows us to fully wake up. Around the table, the day's schedule is planned. Here is where the family meet. Above all, breakfasting is important for children. When they get up, the energy storage from the previous day is empty because the body consumes energy also during rest and sleep. A healthy, substantial breakfast helps us to gather new strength.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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All Is Number

“All is number“, this saying already applied in the 5th century B.C. when the brotherhood of the “Pythagoreans“ was founded. Natural, rational and irrational numbers have been an important concept since the creation of the Bible, throughout antiquity up to our modern times. The Fibonacci Numbers, for example, have not only found their use as a numerical pattern in mathematics, they have also been immortalised in art and painting. In this film different and amusing approaches to mathematical methods and processes are illustrated with vivid images, which facilitate pupils’ understanding. In many things that we handle every day fascinating numerical proportions are hidden. Squaring the rectangle and the circle play an important role thereby. Since Greek antiquity the Golden Ratio has been considered to be the epitome of aesthetics and harmony. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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The conquest of a new world: the first satellite, the first man in space, the first steps on the moon – pictures we all know.

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Es gibt sie in Kleinstversionen für den Privatgebrauch ebenso wie in großen, 500 kg schweren Versionen für die militärische Nutzung. Die Rede ist von Drohnen, unbemannten, ferngesteuerten Fluggeräten.

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