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The content of the film "Waste" is based on the specific field of experience of children – how household waste is produced and disposed of. In a vivid way, the film makes the children acquainted with the various forms of waste, how they are disposed of and how many reusable materials are contained in our household waste.

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The Hedgehog

It carries on its back up to 8000 spines although it is no more than 30 centimetres long. In spite of that it can assert itself very well against its enemies. Because this insectivore can roll up into a ball. Although the hedgehog is a wild animal, it likes to live near humans today. With simple explanations and beautiful film shots the pupils learn about the species-specific behaviour, the characteristics of our endemic common hedgehog but also about the threats it is exposed to. At night, the hedgehog is accompanied on its forays for food, by day, it can be seen sleeping deeply in its hideout, and when the mating season is over, six orphaned hoglets are accompanied on their way to maturity. The thematic fields focussed upon are habitat and distribution, characteristics, behaviour throughout the year, food, reproduction as well as protection and endangerment. The film arouses curiosity about and fascination for the hedgehog and furthers the pupils’ environmental awareness. Together with the extensive accompanying teaching material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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Höhensatz des Euklid

Der Film stellt in zahlreichen Animationen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur pythagoreischen Geometrie vor: den Höhensatz des Euklid.

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Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light energy into electrical energy. This principle is increasingly being used as a regenerative energy source - for this purpose, large-scale solar collectors are being installed on house roofs and on open spaces. 

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Hip-Hop Freestyle

Hip-Hop Freestyle ist eine Mischung aus vielen Street-Dance-Styles. Die auf der DVD vorgestellte Figuren und Bewegungen können frei kombinieren werden. Bei Hip-Hop ist es wichtig, dass man nicht nur für sich alleine tanzt, sondern mit anderen Menschen das Tanzen teilt.

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3D Printing

Layer by layer, a three-dimensional form is being created here – a chess piece. Just like that, from a printer – however, a special one: a 3D printer. Thus, the dream of being able to manufacture three-dimensional pieces yourself at home becomes reality.

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Die Habsburger

Das Haus Habsburg ist eines der bedeutendsten europäischen Adelsgeschlechter. Mehr als 20 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches deutscher Nation stellte es. In seiner Blütezeit herrschte das Haus Habsburg über ein Reich, in dem die Sonne niemals unterging.

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From Antiquity to the Modern Era

A lot of things we take for granted are actually the result of a long struggle.

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Charles de Gaulle

Charles André Marie Joseph de Gaulle was born on 22nd November 1890 to a patriotic, Catholic family in Lille. His father, Henri de Gaulle, a professor for literature and history, had a strong influence on him. Young Charles received a solid classical education from the Jesuits and Augustinians and decided upon a military career. In 1908, he was admitted to the officers’ school of Saint-Cyr, which he left in 13th place in 1912.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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American Indians

Who were the first people in America? The native inhabitants of this continent are called Indians, and they are just as diverse as the peoples in Europe. North America is divided into Nine Native American Culture Regions and the film goes into detail about the Indians of the north-eastern and south-eastern Woodlands, the Indians of the Southwest and the Plains Indians. Adapted to the landscape and climate, different forms of culture evolved – from simple Stone Age humans and nomadic life styles to advanced cultures with cities and sophisticated societies. Thus, the Indians of the north-eastern woodlands already lived in a democratic society, which became the basis for the American Constitution. European colonisation reduced the number of Native Americans by diseases, wars and displacement. The film concludes with an outlook on Indian life in the United States today.

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Videokurs II

Schon mit einfachen Camcordern, sogar mit dem Handy kann man Videos mit einer ansprechenden Bildqualität drehen.

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Fire and Flame

Fire – one of the most important human discoveries. It gives us warmth and light, conveys security and fascinates us with its dancing flames.

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