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There are many different types of games. Board games, guessing games, waiting games, games of skill, sports games or computer games, too. We play because it is fun, we like activities with others and because we wish to pass our time in a pleasant way. The film gives an overview of the different types of games. It illustrates what you need to play parlour games and how a game is created. The characteristics of sports games are explained and a special emphasis is put on the problems arising when teams are selected and assembled. The film also explains the aspect of “fair play”. Further, the film also outlines the development of computer games, starting with pixelated graphics and simple games and moving on to current graphics, which are almost life-like today, and comprehensive virtual worlds. From the toys used in ancient cultures to today’s games, the film gives a sound overview of the development and the progress made. With its comprehensive didactic worksheets and suggestions for international games, this DVD is perfectly suited for use at schools.

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Sex Education

The creation of a new human being is a miracle. Children are interested in where they come from. They want to know how a baby gets into the mother’s womb, how it develops inside and is finally born. The film answers questions about fertilisation, pregnancy and birth. As an introduction similarities and differences of men and women are presented and explanations are provided about what role the male and female sexual organs play in procreation. Subsequently the topic of fertilisation is dealt with. The development of the fertilised egg cell into the embryo and finally the foetus is described. The pupils learn about the baby’s stage of development in any month of pregnancy. Then the progression of a birth is described. Eventually the film explains how the new-born baby must be cared for, what it needs and what it cannot do yet. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is eminently suited for use in the classroom.

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Der persische Mathematiker und Astronom  Abu l-Wafa entdeckte und beschrieb im 10. Jahrhundert in der Trigonometrie den Zusammenhang zwischen einer Seite und dem ihr gegenüberliegenden Winkel.

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Die Elektrifizierung bedeutete für die Menschheit einen fundamentalen Fortschritt.

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Mittlerweile sind Skater fester Bestandteil eines jeden Stadtbilds und es gibt wohl kaum ein Fleckchen Erde, wo es nicht wenigstens ein paar eingefleischte Szeneangehörige gibt. Trotz dieser globalen Dimensionen und der enormen jugendkulturellen Prägungskraft findet Skateboarding bisher nur äußerst selten seinen Weg in den Sportunterricht - und das, obwohl Skateboarding Schülerinnen und Schülern das Lernen in vielen Kompetenzbereichen des Faches Sport ermöglicht und nun sogar olympisch wird!

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Informatics interdisciplinary

The video game Minecraft is one of today’s most popular games. At the same time, it is one of the few video games that are used in lessons worldwide.  Minecraft was first published for PCs in 2009 and is meanwhile also available on smartphones, tablets and various game consoles. With over 120 million licences sold, Minecraft is one of the most successful video games in the world. Due to the various editions and game modes, Minecraft can be played alone or with partners. The multiplayer mode is not limited to PCs networked by cable, but is meanwhile alsoavailable on a cross-platform basis via WLAN on various terminal devices such as smartphones and tablets.

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Die Slawen existieren nicht als ein Volk, sondern bezeichnen eine Vielzahl von Sippen, die sich über eine gemeinsame Sprachfamilie, bzw. Stammesnamen definieren. Beginnend mit dem 3. Jahrhundert begann im Rahmen der Völkerwanderungen die Verbreitung der Slawen in Europa.

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Französische Revolution

Der 14. Juli 1789 markiert mit dem Sturm auf die Bastille in Paris eine Zäsur in der europäischen Geschichte – die französische Revolution hat begonnen.

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Men behind Hitler I

They wanted to rule the world.

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Stone Age

About 2,606,000 years ago, that is 52,120 generations before us, the first and at the same time longest period of human history began - the Stone Age. The film provides an overview of life during the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. We get to know the various decades and the typical human ways of life resulting from them. The development from nomads, who were hunters and gatherers, up to sedentary humans who lived in small village communities is vividly described. We learn that already the early Stone Age people possessed an understanding of art, buried their dead, and see the significant advancement of their weapons and tools. Terrific diagrams convey an idea of the appearance of Stone Age animals and allow us to delve into the world of our ancestors.

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Dictatorships in the 20th Century VII

Nicolae Ceausescu ruled Romania for twenty-four long years and was a dictator.

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Fuel Cell

A smartphone offers a lot of opportunities nowadays. The numerous apps and applications may enrich your daily life but cost a lot of electricity. It is particularly annoying when the device fails at the most inconvenient moments. Conventional rechargeable batteries are often empty after one day already, and the device needs to be plugged in. Besides many others, also this problem could be solved by using fuel cells – thus considerably increasing the duration of the smartphone.

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