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1511 results

Smart Grid

The turnaround in energy policy is meant to lead away from the old system of centralised power stations, from the conventional energy sources such as coal, oil or nuclear power. Instead, energy is to be generated in a lot of smaller installations from renewable sources such as sun or wind. That leads to a new structure of energy supply. The turnaround requires a new, intelligent system with which the energy exchange between generator and consumer will be controlled in the future. The English term “smart grid“, which translated means nothing other than ’intelligent electricity network’, represents this system of the future.

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Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte shaped France and Europe like no other.

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Genocide of the Third Reich

Germany, 14th July 1933: Six months after Hitler’s so-called rise to power all parties were

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This DVD treats the different working and living conditions of people in the Ruhr valley around the year 1900 and refers to the thesis of the sociologist Li Fischer-Eckert. She conducted interviews with working class women on their living conditions in the workers’ housing estates in 1911 and 1912. Based on her findings, she divided the workers in four classes: The first one has a “cosy home without luxury or deprivations”, those in the second class live “on the verge of deprivation”, the poorer workers “are defeated by unfavourable conditions” and those in the fourth class live in “complete neglect”. With the kitchen-cum-living-rooms set up in the Ruhrland Museum, which are shown and described in the film in an impressive way, a direct insight is offered into the workers’ lives. Furthermore, work in heavy industry and mining, the strict reign of the employers as well as the changes in social policy and the workers’ fight for their rights are discussed.

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A new era began for South Africa when, in 1886, an out-of-work miner struck gold at the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The consequences of the discovery of the world’s largest natural treasure were dramatic. From all over the world speculators and adventurers flocked to the area. Scattered »gold fever« shanty towns mushroomed, which soon developed into modern concrete cities, though. The wealth created by the gold made South Africa grow into an industrial and financial power. Today, the economy of the country is the most important of the entire African continent. But there are many pitfalls. It is imperative to recognise them in order to confront the challenges of the future.

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Periodic Table

With the help of the periodic system chemists can predict properties of chemical elements and derive chemical reactions. But you need not be a chemist to understand the periodic system.

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Noble Gases

Xenon, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and the radioactive Radon belong to the noble gases. These form the family of noble gases as the elements of the eighth group of the periodic table. All of them are colourless and odourless, non-inflammable and non-toxic. Their most striking chemical property is their inertness. This can be explained by their electron arrangement, termed noble gas configuration and represents a particularly stable and therefore low-energy state. The noble gases are to be found in scant amounts in our air from which they are also distilled. Helium is mainly extracted from natural gas. In everyday life, we encounter noble gases for example as shielding, filling or buoyant gases and in fluorescent tubes. The shell model describes the structure of the atoms. It is based on the distribution of electrons in restricted areas at a fixed distance around the core of the atom.

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sah in der Ballade das „Ur-Ei der Dichtung“. Sie vereint Merkmale der drei Gattungen Lyrik, Epik und Dramatik in sich. Die ersten Balladen wurden im Mittelalter verfasst.

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Chromebooks im Unterricht

Noch immer ist ein erschreckend großer Anteil der Schulklassen nicht mit digitalen Endgeräten ausgestattet. Gleichzeitig verfügt eine nicht geringe Anzahl von Schulen über eine Vielzahl nicht mehr genutzter Laptops.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Medieval Castle

In the thousand years of the Middle Ages – approximately between the 6th and 16th centuries after Christ, there must have been 20,000 or maybe even more castles in the area covered today by Germany and Austria.  

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Gedenk- und Feiertage

Feiertage gibt es in allen Kulturen. Es sind Festtage mit entweder gesellschaftlichem, religiösem oder politischen Hintergrund. Diese Feiertage finden jährlich an einem festgelegten Tag statt. In Deutschland gibt es Feiertage, an denen flächendeckend nicht gearbeitet wird. Hierbei handelt es sich um gesetzliche Feiertage. Bei anderen Feiertagen, meist mit religiösem Hintergrund, entscheiden die Bundesländer individuell, ob es sich um einen tatsächlich arbeitsfreien Tag handelt. Im Film beschrieben werden nicht nur Feiertage in Deutschland, sondern auch z.B. islamische Feiertage, oder der Christopher Street Day als politisches Statement.

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Rights and Obligations

Three girls of different ages: Anna is 17, Paula 15 and Lena 13. Before the law, their respective ages have consequences – because children and adolescents have different rights and also obligations.

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