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Für viele ist das Wort „Cybermobbing“ ein x-beliebiger Modebegriff, doch immer mehr Kinder und Jugendliche sehen sich mit dieser sehr realen Gefahr konfrontiert. Cybermobbing kann viele Formen annehmen – den Anfang findet es jedoch fast immer in Chatrooms und/oder auf sozialen Netzwerken, die bei jungen Menschen besonders populär sind. Damit endet das Mobben hier keineswegs bei Schulschluss, sondern dauert den ganzen Tag an – das Opfer kommt überhaupt nicht mehr zur Ruhe.

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"Schau dich schlau!": Wenn Kinder in der Schule schneller oder langsamer lernen, dann hat das nichts mit ihrer Intelligenz zu tun, sondern damit, dass es vier verschiedene Lerntypen gibt, die dafür unterschiedliche Bedingungen benötigen. Es gibt auditive, visuelle, kommunikative und motorische Lerntypen. Zum effektiven Lernen ist eine möglichst große Beteiligung und Nutzung aller Sinne am sinnvollsten. Ein gezieltes Wissen um den eigenen Lerntypus erleichtert das Lernen und kann bessere Noten zur Folge haben. Häufig gibt es auch Mischformen der Lerntypen. "Schau dich schlau!": Auf dem Prüfstand: Spickzettel. Die Schüler von heute rüsten technisch auf. Neben den klassischen Methoden gibt es immer mehr Hightech-Spicker. "Schau dich schlau!": Moderator Fero Andersen testet, ob wir in der Schule wirklich fürs Leben lernen. Wie lange hält das gepaukte Wissen vor? Er verwandelt eine Fußgängerzone in ein großes Klassenzimmer und stellt scheinbar einfache Fragen aus der ersten Klasse. Das haben wir alle mal gelernt. Doch wissen die Befragten wirklich die Antworten?

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Whether for professionals or beginners, whether leisure-time activity or hard struggle for championship medals – chess is fun! 550 million people worldwide play chess but only very few of them really reach world-class level.

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Make up Your Mind!

The young boxer is convinced: »Boxing is fun«. For boxing strengthens your self-confidence because it takes courage, time after time, to step into the ring and because you learn how to fight and to defend yourself. From his personal experience of his first five fights he comments on what a great feeling it is to win. He has not experienced the failure of losing a fight yet, he was able to win four and one ended in a draw. His goal is to have a career, earn money and get better and better. Eventually he wants to be as good as his acknowledged role model the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko. He vehemently rejects the idea that Klitschko could dope. The world champion trains his stamina every day by swimming. Then why dope?

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As soon as the audience has taken their seats, the conductor enters the orchestra pit. When he lifts the baton, the magic ritual of enchantment through music, play and light in an illusory world, which is to true nonetheless, begins. But what is opera, anyway? Let us dare a look behind the scenes! This film presents the institution and the artistic creation of an opera. The pupils learn about the structure of a traditional opera house. They get to know how an opera production is planned and prepared. They see how many people contribute to an opera production from the planning to the first night. What jobs and what manual skills are behind a production? How do make-up artists and costume designers work? How many rehearsals are required? All these questions and a lot more are answered by the film. And if the pupils do attend an opera performance, they will perhaps think of the many people and skills that were needed to make this evening a success. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for various uses in the classroom.

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Dinosaurs lived on our Earth about 160 million years ago. There are several theories as to why they became extinct about 65 million years ago but the fascination with these creatures is still there. We can look at dinosaurs in dinosaur parks. People have reconstructed dinosaurs based on their ideas of what they might have looked like. In an age appropriate way the following questions are addressed in the film: When did dinosaurs live? What did the Earth look like at the time of the dinosaurs? How did dinosaurs live? Were dinosaurs clever? How do we know about dinosaurs? Where did the dinosaurs get their funny names from? Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? A special highlight is the chapter “Dinos Present Themselves“. A selection of dinosaurs, speaking in different voices, convey information on the various species to the children. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for project work in the elementary sector.

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Pompous buildings, impressive parklands, extravagant parties and unimaginable luxury.

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Stechmücken, Schnaken, Gnitzen und 40 Mückenfamilien mehr bevölkern unsere Erde. Während sie uns an einem lauen Sommerabend voraussichtlich nur lästig erscheinen, sind sie seit rund 120 Millionen Jahren ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Ökosystems.

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Canis lupus, der Urahn der Haushunde, war einst auf nahezu der gesamten Nordhalbkugel heimisch, ehe er ab dem 15. Jahrhundert systematisch verfolgt und beinahe ausgerottet wurde.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Single-cell Organisms

The Earth is the only planet known to us where liquid water ─ the source of life ─ exists.

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The Human Heart

Our life is determined by our heart.

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Mice, Small Rodents

Mice are found almost everywhere. The small agile rodents live in forests, meadows and fields but also in our very midst. They have long or short tails, big or small ears. Even if they differ on the outside, all of them have one thing in common: sharp incisors with which they gnaw their way through life. Not every animal called “mouse“, counts among the ”true mice“. The white-toothed shrew, a small, grey-coloured animal, is often found in settlement areas. Outwardly it looks very similar to a true mouse, its frenzied behaviour reminds of mice, too. Shrews, however, are not rodents but carnivores with sharp little teeth, which feed on worms, woodlice, insect larvae and other invertebrates. They are more closely related to the hedgehog or the mole than to mice.

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