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1511 results

Major EU Project

The Brenner Base Tunnel and the New Brenner Railway are a project of the Trans-European Networks – in short, TEN. The aim is to connect European countries optimally and to contribute to a more environmental-friendly and efficient organisation of traffic. The transportation of cargo is to be shifted to the railway and public passenger transportation is to become more attractive. The TEN Axis No. 1 runs from Berlin to Palermo.

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Nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wuchsen rasch die Spannungen zwischen den beiden Weltmächten USA und UdSSR, die zur Schaffung der beiden Militärbündnisse NATO und Warschauer Pakt führten. Nach Ende des Kalten Krieges und der Auflösung des Warschauer Paktes veränderte sich die weltweite Sicherheitsarchitektur. Wie wichtig die NATO noch heute ist, zeigt die Bedrohung, die für Westeuropa nach dem russischen Einmarsch in der Ukraine entstanden ist.

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25 Years of German Unity

After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.

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Freight-forwarding and Logistics Service Clerk

The job of a freight-forwarding and logistics service clerk is all about the transport of goods: the storage, selling and shipping of goods must run smoothly – on a national as well as on an international level. This mainly includes planning, controlling and supervisory tasks but also communication with customers and business partners. Planning is the be-all and end-all of the freight-forwarding and logistics trade. Communication with carriers (airlines, shipping or railway companies) is required, suitable routes and means of transport must be chosen, schedules must be determined and finally, the processes must be supervised. In addition, the clerks carry out price calculations, determine costs and revenues, observe offers on the market and take care of technicalities such as insurance cover and customs issues. A good command of foreign languages is therefore essential in this job. And flexibility, too! If problems occur, the clerks need to react quickly and effectively.

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Man sieht sie in vielen Gärten: Insektenhotels.

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Er ist das am häufigsten angebaute und verzehrte Obst. Die Engländer sagen ihm nach, dass er den Ärzten ihre Kundschaft vergrault. Isaac Newton soll von ihm auf die Gesetze der Gravitation gestoßen worden sein.

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Cattle have been of vital importance for humanity due to both their spread all over the world and presence throughout almost all of human history.  

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Augsburg, Cologne, Trier – perhaps you have already heard about these cities. But did you also know that all these cities were built by the Romans?

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The DVD “Wood/Paper/Recycling” provides information on the treatment and processing of wood. The production of paper, an everyday item in our lives, as well as the recycling process are explained to the primary school pupils in a simplified way. The film is also excellently suited for environmental education. The following topics in the subject area of wood, paper and recycling are covered in this DVD: • Wood – a Natural Resource (appearance, properties; types of wood) • At the Sawmill (treatment and processing methods with state-of-the-art machinery) • Paper (everyday use, papermaking, types of paper, properties) • Recycling (waste paper as an important material for the recycling of used paper, recycling technique) • Environmental Protection (conservation of trees, recycling of waste paper)

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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MedienLB - Coffe Cup

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My Body

All human beings in the whole world have the same physique. However, we differ from each other in sex, height and weight as well as in skin and hair colour. The way we move, too, is different with each individual person. This film shows the uniqueness of humans and the distinctiveness of each body. Touch is a basic need of humans – there are good and bad kinds of touch. We learn to say “No!” in the case of unpleasant touches to protect our bodies. Zur Lesekompetenzförderung kann, über das Menü ihres DVD Players oder der Abspielsoftware, der deutsche Untertitel eingeschaltet werden.

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Fast fünf Millionen Hunde leben in Deutschland und deren Besitzer kümmern sich meist liebevoll um die Vierbeiner. Dennoch gibt es immer wieder „Problemhunde“. „Schau Dich schlau“ zeigt, wie Sie schon bei einem Welpen erkennen, wie sich das Tier als erwachsener Hund verhalten wird.

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Zins- und Prozentrechnen

Prozentrechnen ist eine wesentliche Kompetenz im Alltag – sei es, dass Wahlergebnisse in Prozenten dargestellt werden, sei es, dass ein prozentualer Nachlass gewährt wird oder der Lohn um einen Prozentsatz erhöht wird.

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