Erwachsenwerden im Glauben
Lerneinheit Religion 7/8
In 10 interaktiven Aufgaben wird Wissen rund um das Erwachsenwerden im Glauben vermittelt und abgefragt. Grundlage bilden Firmung, Konfirmation und die Bar Mizwa, doch gibt es auch Informationen dazu, welche Rituale es im Islam, Buddhismus und Hinduismus gibt.
Beinhaltete Aufgaben
- Erwachsenwerden ... im Glauben
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Taufe - Eintritt in die Gemeinschaft
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Firmung
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Konfirmation
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Bar Mizwa / Bat Mizwa
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Gebete und Gebote
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Rechte und Pflichten
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... in den Weltreligionen
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Wissensquiz
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben - Glossar
Lehrplanzentral und an den Bildungsstandards orientiert
Passend dazu
The Sacraments – they are the visible and audible signs of the invisible workings of God on man. Often they occur at transitions and significant life events such as birth, admission into the community of Christians, growing up. These are the Sacraments of Initiation. In addition, there are the Sacraments of States of Life. They are administered for the decision to enter upon a lifelong companionship or a lifelong service in the Church. And finally, there are the Sacraments of Healing. The word "sacrament" comes from Latin and means: holy sign or also way of salvation.
World Religions
Since humanity has existed, people have been concerned with the question of the origin of life, how it goes on after death and what the essence of a person's life is. People have always expressed the hope that they are not left alone in their existence and that there is a higher reason that gives them life, protects it and eventually preserves it.
Muslim Festivals
Meryem and Rabia at midday prayer with their parents. Normal daily routine for them because they belong to the almost five per cent of the German population who are of Muslim faith. They have, like most Christians, too, very special feasts, rituals and holidays. We are going to accompany them and other Muslim families on these festivals.