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Bester Freund des Menschen
Fast fünf Millionen Hunde leben in Deutschland und deren Besitzer kümmern sich meist liebevoll um die Vierbeiner. Dennoch gibt es immer wieder „Problemhunde“. „Schau Dich schlau“ zeigt, wie Sie schon bei einem Welpen erkennen, wie sich das Tier als erwachsener Hund verhalten wird. „Schau dich schlau!“ testet nützliches und irrsinniges Hundezubehör. Zum Beispiel gibt es verschiedene Luxusgüter, die das Leben des besten Freundes des Menschen versüßen, etwa ein Himmelbett im Wert von 18.000 Euro! Joey Grit Winkler macht einen besonderen Versuch. Sie leiht sich einen Mops, um auf der Maximilianstraße, der Luxusmeile Münchens, shoppen zu gehen. Es ist möglich, sich Möpse oder andere Vierbeiner auszuleihen, da man mit ihnen – so sagt man – bessere Karten beim anderen Geschlecht hat. Ob der Versuch Früchte trägt? Und: Was unterscheidet den Hund vom Menschen? Wie nimmt der Hund seine Umgebung wahr? Wie sieht, riecht, jagt ein Hund? Worauf reagiert er? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, um von "hundgerechter Haltung" zu sprechen. Denn wer seinen Hund kennt und versteht, der wird auch richtig mit ihm umgehen.
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Seal of approval
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Peer Mediation
Lena and Max attend the 7th form. Max is new in class. During a break, Max notices that Lena and her friend are laughing at him again. Max loses his temper! He slaps Lena in the face. That hurts and Lena runs back into the classroom with a red cheek. The growing conflict between the two has escalated. Just like Lena and Max, every day pupils all over Germany have rows with each other. At the Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium in Thuringia, pupils have been trained as mediators for years. At set hours, they are in a room made available by the school specifically for mediation purposes. The film describes the growing conflict between Max and Lena and shows a mediation using their example. In doing so, the terms “conflict” and “peer mediation” are explained in a non-technical way. The aims of peer mediation and its progress in five steps as well as the mediators’ tasks are illustrated. The art of asking questions and “mirroring”, which the mediators must know, is described and explained. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is a suitable medium to introduce peer mediation at your school, too.
Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.