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Indian Priests
Is there anything unusual about Father Xavier, a coloured missionary from India, working as a priest in Germany? The film begins with Xavier in his Indian home village where people Christianity is part of people’s everyday lives. Then we see him work as a chaplain in a community in Munich where he is faced with the situation of the Church in Germany: empty rows and mainly senior churchgoers. He learns that foreigners are not always welcomed with open arms. What does “mission” mean today? Has Germany become a place in need of missionary work? If there is a shortage of young priests in Germany, is it possible to simply invite young priests from other cultures, from the churches of Asia, Africa and Latin America to come here? Are they bringing the message they once received from missionaries back to Europe? Does evangelisation now take place the other way round?
Learn moreGeologic Activities
The formation of our earth began according to today's knowledge from a huge cloud of dust and gases about 4.6 billion years ago.
Learn moreRome
On the Tiber, in the centre of Italy, there lies the Italian capital of Rome. The “Eternal City” as it was called by the poet Tibullus more than 2,000 years ago, is located on a plain between the foothills of the Apennine and the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Learn moreCapitals of Central Europe II
This DVD presents the capitals of eastern Central Europe, Bratislava, Budapest, Prague and Warsaw. By way of intro- duction, the pupils learn about the natural and climatic bound- aries of the Central European region and which countries it encompasses. Based on this, the film first focuses on the topographic situation of the respective capital of the countries of Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland and the development of the cities is briefly outlined. Imposing buildings, historical monuments, architectural characteristics, magnificent operas and theatres, but also multi-cultural life in the streets and living traditions are witnesses to the rich cul- ture and artistic atmosphere of these capitals in the heart of Europe. Impressive pictures capture the uniqueness of each one of the capitals and illustrate their characters. Here, the respective geographic location of the capitals is linked to the history of their foundation. The pupils can follow the respective city development, learn about important sights, may compare the economic power and the infrastructures of the cities and will, step by step, obtain a complete picture of the diversity of the unified Europe.
Learn moreCoffee
Coffee has become the second most important commodity on the world market after crude oil, and it enjoys tremendous popularity around the globe. Allegedly, it happened by chance that the stimulating effect of the cherry-like fruit was discovered in the Ethiopian province of Kaffa. The deep brown, aromatic drink embarked on a global journey of success. From the middle of the 17th century, it also became widespread in Europe, even though it was a treat that was initially reserved for the prosperous. Today, however, it is a part of everyday life for many people. The DVD starts with the history of the spreading of coffee cultivation and continues to describe in detail the biological characteristics of the coffee shrub. Another chapter outlines the conditions for growth and introduces the most important coffee-producing regions. The long, laborious journey from the harvest of the ripe coffee cherry to the prepared cup is illustrated. The economically weakest link in this chain are the coffee farmers. There are several organisations acting on a worldwide scale that try to realise adequate prices for the coffee farmers and promote incentives for development by means of fair trade.s is described.
Learn moreDas Ehrenamt
„Ich glaube, engagieren sich nicht Menschen für die Gesellschaft ehrenamtlich, dann würde das System, so wie wir es haben, einfach nicht funktionieren. Von daher glaube ich, ist das Ehrenamt, damit das alles so funktionieren kann, wie es das tut, ein wichtiges Steckenpferd.“, so das Zitat einer jungen ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterin bei den Maltesern.
Learn moreSozialismus
Der Unterrichtsfilm beleuchtet die Grundlagen des Sozialismus, der als Gesellschaftsmodell auf Gemeineigentum und Gemeinwirtschaft beruht. Er hielt infolge der Industrialisierung als Gegenmodell zum Kapitalismus Einzug. Doch in den Ländern, wo sich der Sozialismus verbreitet hatte, erwies er sich als ökonomisch ineffizient und führte letztlich zur Einschränkung der menschlichen Grundrechte sowie zur Verletzung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit.
Learn moreButcher
Food is the basis of human life. Its diversity and quality are decisive for our health and well-being, thus also providing the basis for a good quality of life. It is a positive challenge to take on that kind of responsibility by choosing a career in this sector. A butcher’s job is such a challenge, not only with respect to the handling of the food itself but also with respect to the contact with customers. Butchers don’t just sell their products but also give advice to their customers and, in addition, the contact to business partners and public authorities is of considerable importance. Hence, this job is extremely versatile and never boring. Some on-the-job training in an internship provides the opportunity to get to know this profession better and to find out whether you are suitable for the job and whether you feel comfortable with your choice. It is important that a job opens up good career prospects for young people, thus building a bridge to an economically secure future.
Learn moreMensch und Tier
Menschen und Tiere leben seit Jahrtausenden zusammen. Ursprünglich als reines Nutztier gehalten, entwickelte sich eine Beziehung zu einem Tier als reines Haustier. Neuer ist die Verbindung der engen Beziehung des Menschen zu Tieren und therapeutischen Anliegen. Im Film werden verschiedenste Tiere und deren therapeutische und unterstützende Wirkung vorgestellt. Ob mit Schafen, Alpakas, Ponys, Schulbegleithunden oder Blindenhunden – der Film geht der engen Beziehung von Mensch und Tier nach.
Learn moreContinents
Continents are continuous expanses of land that are clearly separated from each other by oceans.
Learn moreJahreszeiten
In unseren Breiten ist das Klima im Jahresverlauf in klar abgrenzbare Jahreszeiten unterteilt. Der Film erklärt ausführlich und in anschaulichen Grafiken die Ursache hierfür: die Neigung der Erdachse und den damit verbundenen veränderlichen Einstrahlungswinkel der Sonne auf die Erde.
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