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Pompous buildings, impressive parklands, extravagant parties and unimaginable luxury.

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Stechmücken, Schnaken, Gnitzen und 40 Mückenfamilien mehr bevölkern unsere Erde. Während sie uns an einem lauen Sommerabend voraussichtlich nur lästig erscheinen, sind sie seit rund 120 Millionen Jahren ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Ökosystems.

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Canis lupus, der Urahn der Haushunde, war einst auf nahezu der gesamten Nordhalbkugel heimisch, ehe er ab dem 15. Jahrhundert systematisch verfolgt und beinahe ausgerottet wurde.

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Single-cell Organisms

The Earth is the only planet known to us where liquid water ─ the source of life ─ exists.

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The Human Heart

Our life is determined by our heart.

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Mice, Small Rodents

Mice are found almost everywhere. The small agile rodents live in forests, meadows and fields but also in our very midst. They have long or short tails, big or small ears. Even if they differ on the outside, all of them have one thing in common: sharp incisors with which they gnaw their way through life. Not every animal called “mouse“, counts among the ”true mice“. The white-toothed shrew, a small, grey-coloured animal, is often found in settlement areas. Outwardly it looks very similar to a true mouse, its frenzied behaviour reminds of mice, too. Shrews, however, are not rodents but carnivores with sharp little teeth, which feed on worms, woodlice, insect larvae and other invertebrates. They are more closely related to the hedgehog or the mole than to mice.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of fish with an emphasis on the following aspects: The typical body build of fish and their adaptation to the water habitat are shown. The fish skeleton proves that they are vertebrates. Their sense organs (eyes, nose, barbels, lateral lines) are adjusted for survival in water. The skin is characterised by different kinds of scales. Free water fish, ground fish and surface fish are distinguished from each other by three typical mouth and body shapes. Locomotion in the water is made possible by different kinds of fins. Respiration through gills is a typical feature of fish. Herbivores possess typical characteristics distinguishing them from carnivores. Swarm fish and loners display different behaviour patterns. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, diagrams, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.

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The White Stork

People have always found the white stork fascinating. It is a large, conspicuous bird, which exposes itself to human curiosity by the choice of its nesting places, therefore people tend to assign meaning to its behaviour. Today, the white stork is still believed to bring good luck. The film covers the characteristics of white storks, their appearance and behaviour as well as the order of Ciconiiformes. The habits of the white storks, their habitats and migration routes are shown in the film, too. In the Reproduction Chapter, we can see interesting pictures of hatching chicks and their first attempts at flying. The DVD includes first-grade bonus material on the bird migration research carried out by the Max Planck Research Centre for Ornithology headed by Peter Berthold. The white stork’s cultural significance and myths told about it as well as the ties between countries, which are strengthened by the “European Stork Villages”, are covered, too. The bonus material is only available in German and adds approximately 14 minutes to the film.

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In impressive pictures several interesting biological topics are conveyed by this film: knowledge of the structure of blossoms, their variety of forms as well as significance and purpose of their colours and scents. Thus it becomes comprehensible why blossoms are so differently structured, how self pollination is avoided and which evolutionary achievement is behind the symbiotic interaction between blossoms and pollinators. Pollination is a “deal“: the plant offers the insects nectar in exchange for the transport of the pollen. Prerequisite for this is the mutual adaptation process of the blossom to the mouthparts of the insect and vice versa. That cheating goes on during this “business relationship” between plant and animal is illustrated with the example of flower mimesis. The perfect way in which blossoms succeed in attracting insects without offering them nectar in return is another highlight of this film. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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Organic Farm

That is how we imagine an ideal farm. Free-range hens, cows are being driven from the pasture into the stable, a cat is straying across the yard, the dog is watching over everything... This farm of farmer Ponzaun, however, exists today only because he need not subsist on the profit he makes from selling the products grown on his farm. The main income on the Ponzaun farm derives from the guests who want to experience once again what life was like on a farm in former times. During their holiday on the farm the children and the grown-ups want to participate in the daily life that is determined by the care for and life together with the animals and nature.

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The Sacraments – they are the visible and audible signs of the invisible workings of God on man. Often they occur at transitions and significant life events such as birth, admission into the community of Christians, growing up. These are the Sacraments of Initiation. In addition, there are the Sacraments of States of Life. They are administered for the decision to enter upon a lifelong companionship or a lifelong service in the Church. And finally, there are the Sacraments of Healing. The word "sacrament" comes from Latin and means: holy sign or also way of salvation.

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Europa ist ein Subkontinent mit mehr als 750 Millionen Einwohnern. Es ist der am stärksten verstädterte der Kontinente und von großen klimatischen und geomorphologischen Gegensätzen geprägt.

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